MGERB had a regional meeting in Radomir which Monika Panayotova the Chairwoman of MGERB and youngest candidate for MEP attended. The Coordinator of MGERB Sofia – Joanna Dochevska, the Organizational Secretary of MGERB Sofia – Anna Pashanska and the Coordinator of MGERB Kustendil Milen Nikolov and members of MGERB from the region also attended the meeting.
The initiators of the meeting were the Coordinator of MGERB in Pernik – Denislav Zahariev and the Municipal Councillor from Radomir Radoslav Iordanov. There were over 60 young people between the ages of 18 and 31.
Monika Panayotova greeted everyone and explained the three main priorities of MGERB, which are: investment in the young, civil activities and international priorities.
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