

July 23, 2012

MGERB took part in the creation of a White Book for overcoming youth unemployment in Europe


The Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the International Secretary of MGERB Hristo Gadzhev took part in a conference of the representatives of the organizations members of YEPP (the youth organization of the EPP, which includes 57 organizations from 38 countries in Europe), on the topic: “Overcoming youth unemployment” and was held from the 10th to the 13th of May 2012 in Lisbon, Portugal. During the conference the representatives of MGERB had helpful discussions with the Prime Minister of Portugal Pedro Coelho, with the ministers of finance and the economy, representatives of the World Bank, of organizations helping youth entrepreneurship and others.

In the whole of Europe the youth unemployment is a serious problem, as in some countries it reaches up to 50% and the member countries should follow to undertake a series of measures for making easier employability in the ages between 18 and 29 years. Unemployment is a burden, which is hard to overcome and the unemployment in the youths is a waste of human capital in a long term plan, because after years there will be a lack of prepared and experienced employees. Youth unemployment is not part of the cycle of the economy and is not so much influenced by the crisis, as much as the structure of the economy of the EU. This is why the focus of efforts of the countries needs to be giving opportunities for making easier youth entrepreneurship, the start in the career, the guaranteeing of the investments of “the business angels”, which help young entrepreneurs and most of all the deepening of the European integration. The best way for overcoming the problems of employability is in the creation of new job places and not in the perfection of the social systems, as the socialists are proposing.

The organizations members of YEPP accepted unanimously a White Book for overcoming youth unemployment, which will be proposed and based in the political documents of the European People’s Party, in the work of the European Parliament and the European Commission. From its side MGERB will continue its work in supporting the Bulgarian government in its actions for overcoming this problem.

Tsvetan Tsvetanov and MGERB Sofia cleaned the "Boris Garden"


Not everything can be cleaned for one day, only if everyone cleans around themselves during all days can we permanently clean Bulgaria. This was stated by the Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Chairperson of Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria Tsvetan Tsvetanov, who along with MGERB took part in the initiative of BTV “Let’s Clean Bulgaria for a Day”. Tsvetanov and the youths from MGERB Sofia took part in the cleaning of the Boris Garden in Sofia. He encouraged all citizens from all over the country to turn the campaign into their lifestyle and in this way to make Bulgaria such, as we all want her to be – clean, cheerful, beautiful and comfortable for living. “Only when we all together put forth efforts and guard the regions in which we live, the comfort and the calmness will make everything around us beautiful”, turned towards the youths of GERB the Deputy Chairperson of the party. Together with Tsvetanov in the cleaning took part his daughter Veselina, which expressed hope that all of us together can clean Bulgaria for one day. Equipped with bags and gloves the youths from GERB and Tsvetanov cleaned the region between the open theatre and the Arianna Lake. The cleaning youths were also joined by the Administrative Secretary of PP GERB Tsvetomir Paunov, the Regional Coordinator of Sofia Region – Andrey Ivanov and the Chairperson of the Group of Councilors from GERB in SMC Malina Edreva.

In the frame of the cleaning Tsvetanov and the youths of GERB Sofia opened the renovated alcove near the summer theatre in the Boris Garden. Whole components of the alcove have been replaced with personal funds of the youths and it has been completely repainted. On the site were placed labels of famous Europeans. The renovated alcove turned into an attraction for the playing around kids and their parents.

April 18, 2012

Representatives from MGERB observed the presidential campaign in France.


From 11 to 15 April 2012 the Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the international secretary of the organization Christo Gadzhev participated in an international delegation that aimed to observe and examine the development of the presidential campaign in France and in particular the campaign of the President Nicolas Sarkozy and his party UMP. The international delegation included representatives from parties that were EPP members from Central and Eastern Europe. The event was organized by Robert Schuman Foundation. 

During their visit the MGERB representatives participated in a meeting between Sarkozy and UMP representatives from the Paris region, where the president announced some of his priorities for the second term. The issue "Europe and the EU" was discussed during the presidential campaign with Pierre Lekiye – Chairman of the Committee on European Affairs in the parliament, Arno Odie, deputy international secretary of UMP and Jean - Dominique Giuliani, Chairman of the Robert Schuman Foundation.

According to all participants, unfortunately, one of the pillars of the European idea – the theme of Europe and its future was in the background. On the other hand, if Sarkozy won the election there would be launched a new reform in the EU to solve the problems facing the community. As for the socialist candidate theme was based mainly of populism and promises as the idea to get out of the fiscal pact that would devastating effects for the French economy and its position in Europe.

Another major topic at the meetings was the way of conduct of campaign by the UMP in France. The representatives of MGERB discussed with Anne Cibon – director for elections UMP, Herve Novelli - deputy - Secretary General of the UMP, responsible for International Affairs, Xavier Takiyan - Special Adviser to the Minister of European Affairs, Pierre Chasa - communications director of UMP. There was made an analysis of the forms and rules for leading campaign in Bulgaria and France and the main conclusion was that the GERB’s campaigns in Bulgaria met all modern standards.

March 22, 2012

Representative of MGERB participated in the Fifth European Youth Conference


Between 18 - 21 March in Soro, Denmark the Fifth European Youth Conference take place. It was organized by the Danish Presidency of the EU and was connected with the main priority in its youth policy - creativity and innovation, motivation for active participation of young people. During the event, there were discussed the results of the structured dialogue that had taken place in the Member States on priorities for youth policy for two years, the new Erasmus program for all parties and considerations of the countries about the structure of the next programming period in the field of youth work.

As the young policy constitutes a priority for the European Institutions and Member States, these problems are reflected on the events of such kind, which are organized under each Presidency and are held twice a year. In the working groups were drawn proposals to the European Commission in order to strengthen and deepen the dialogue between young people and the institutions as well as the actual implementation of European policies at national, regional and local level. The conference was attended by over 200 participants, divided into seven working groups on priorities - 1. Youth participation – elections. Increasing democratic participation. 2. Youth participation - voting age. Reducing the voting age? 3. Motivation for Participation - Motivation for participation in organizations. 4. The new program in the field of education and youth - New Programme of the EU for Youth. 5. Mechanisms for support and participation. Effective funding for effective participation. 6. Media and participation. 7. Innovation and participation - from participation to innovation.

The next conference of this type will be held in September 2012 in Nicosia, Cyprus and its priority will be the social inclusion focusing on young people from migratory groups.

The event was opened by Androulla Vassiliou – EU Commissioner for education, culture, multilingualism and youth, Christine Antorini – Danish minister for education and youth, Peter Matiasic – Chairman of the European Youth Forum.

Three youth representatives from Bulgaria participated in the event, including Joanna Dochevska from MGERB Sofia.

February 27, 2012

Representatives of MGERB took par in the international conference “Europe in the process of transformation – the end of taboos”


The International Secretary of MGERB Hristo Gadzhev and Venera Dracheva – Member of MGERB Sofia took part in the conference “Europe in the process of transformation – the end of taboos” organised by YEPP (the Youth Organisation of the European People’s Party). The conference was held in the period between the 23rd and 26th of February 2012 in Budapest, Hungary. Host of the event was FIDELITAS – the youth organisation of the governing FIDES Party with the kind cooperation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

Representatives of organisations members of YEPP from all over Europe participated in heated debates regarding a series of popular topics such as stimulating youth entrepreneurship, development of renewable energy, defending freedom on Internet space and others. The young politicians accepted a series of resolutions of the Council of Europe and stood united against the repressions in Syria.

During the seminar the participants had the opportunity to participate in interactive discussions with representatives of the executive power in Hungary such as Tibor Navracsics – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Administration and Justice of Hungary; János Martonyi – Minister of Foreign Affairs; Zoltán Cséfalvay – State Secretary in the Ministry of Economic Development and others. The honorable lecturers familiarised the delegates with the constitutional changes in Hungary and with the recent developments of the national and European development of the country.

The main highlights of the debates were the current political situation in Hungary and are the democratic values in the country in danger. After the explanation of the hosts of the reasons and specifics for the changes a declaration was prepared regarding “The institutional changes in Hungary and their compliance with the fundamental rights of European law” and was approved by MGERB.

The representatives of MGERB honored the victims of the communist and fascist regimes, because the 25th of February in Hungary is the Day for honoring all of the victims of the authoritarian regimes, which governed the country during the 20th century.

MGERB is a full member of YEPP since May 2010 when it was unanimously accepted in the family of the center right European youths and has participated actively in the decision making processes on European level.

MGERB took part in the Winter University of EDS entitled "Democratisation Process in the Balkans - Promoting European Values and Human Rights"


In the period between the 21st and 26th of February 2012 was held the Winter University of the European Democrat Students (EDS) – the student organisation of the European People’s Party in Zagreb, Republic of Croatia. The event was attended by over 70 delegates from 20 youth political organisations. Representatives of MGERB to the winter university were Kalin Zahariev – Deputy International Secretary of MGERB and Vice-president of EDS and Andrey Novakov – member of MGERB Blagoevgrad.

During the first day of the winter university were held short trainings for the co-chairs of the three permanent work groups to EDS. The target was to explain the new system for the preparation of resolutions and other documents of the organisation under which is achieved more active participation of the delegates and better end results.

During the second day the delegates visited the Zagreb Municipality where under the presence of media met with political figures and government representatives connected with the process of acceptance of Croatia into the EU. After the end of the event the participants visited the headquarters of the host party. Then there were held discussions, which targeted the exchange of view points and the expirience of the participants from the Balkans for the democratization of the region. Later during the day was held the meeting of the bureau of EDS. The daily order consisted of organisational matters connected with the forthcoming events of the organisation. The daily schedule contained a few other points, among which the choosing of an assistant for the projects of EDS. After a selection was held EDS approved Borislav Iliev, Regional Coordinator of MGERB Pleven. Borislav will support Kalin Zahariev in the research project in the sphere of higher education in the EU.

uring the next day the participants met with representatives from the Committee on Human Rights to the Parliament of Croatia, after which they had the opportunity to attend a parliamentary session of the parliament. During the session was reviewed the budget project for the Republic of Croatia for 2012. The second half of the day went in meetings of the three permanent committees to EDS – Higher Education and Research, European Policies and Human Rights. Typical for the new system of preparation of documents is that the participants receive a topic and information on it – and the text is created at the moment with the participation of all of the participants. In the final document are included all propositions, which have received a majority of the working group.

During the fourth day the participants were part of a lection including the political history of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia. The panels were financed by the Hans Seidel Foundation. After the lecture were held simulation games regarding the solving of cases about the three countries in the context of the historical and political realities. Simulations of high level meetings were also held in which the participants were given current problems to solve.

During the last day of the Winter University was held the meeting of the Council of EDS. One of the most important highlights was the European wide campaign “Knowledge is Power” organised by EDS. Another important moment was the acceptance of new associations to the family of EDS – right youth organisations from Italy, Lithuania and Georgia. The council of EDS approved the candidacy of Borislav Iliev. The daily schedule also included the report of the Chairperson, the vice-chairpersons, a report for the budget of EDS, organisational decisions and other questions.