The chairman of PP GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov presented certificates to the participants in the “Political Academy” of MGERB. In his speech in front of MGERB’s members he put a major accent at the role of young people in socio-political life. “The aim of the political academy we organized is to make you aware of you strong and weak sides, to make capable of reacting in critical situations and to be able to take the challenges of participating in political life”. Tsvetanov gave the invitation for a debate by BSP’s youth organization as an example and made it clear that GERB’s young politicians will behave accordingly, use hard facts and positivism, because GERB considers BSP to be an opponent and not an enemy.
“The policy of PP GERB is to invest in young people, so the idea of this training is to optimally prepare you, because you know that the party will pick its staff from your environment” added GERB’s chairman.
The “Political Academy” project was realized with the cooperation of “Hans Seidel” and “Konrad Adenauer” foundations. The award ceremony took place in Bulgarska Armia hotel on Sunday- 16.11.2008. All of the 48 participants from MGERB’s 28 regional structures successfully graduate the first “Political Academy” and were awarded a certificate. The “Political Academy” started in August in Veliko Tarnovo with the first summer university with a topic: “The Young voice in European Bulgaria”. The selection of the participants in the “Political Academy” started with a screening of CVs and then tests for personal characteristics were conducted by qualified psychologists and experts.
The five modules of training in the academy were: Self-awareness; The role of personality; Solving interpersonal conflicts; Media behavior and Principles for successful management. All training sessions were lead by independent experts and foreign lectures.
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