“I am sorry that there is no clause in Lisbon Treaty, that expels countries like Bulgaria from EU, which do not observe their obligations to the Union”, that was said yesterday by Antonius Halbe, councilor of foreign affaires about the European issues of CDU/CSU political group, during a work meeting with the executive body of MGERB.
Supporting Bulgaria at the time of its joining to the EU, the disappointment of what is happening in our country at the moment urges Mr. Halbe, as well as a number of his colleagues across Europe, to regret that there are no clauses for expelling member countries, which do not observe their obligations to the Union and characterizing with high levels of corruption, from EU. Commenting upon the situation in our country, stopped resources on euro funds side, he concluded: “This isn't Europe. We rely very much on the young people in Bulgaria and that they will work and contribute to change the way of thinking in the country and building a new European type of political culture, through which they will bring back the confidence in their country”.
Dr. von Below expressed the big expectations and passed vote of confidence, which PP GERB has in Bulgaria about realizing this change. During the period November 28-31, NEC of MGERB is on a work visit in Berlin at the invitation of “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation's representative for Bulgaria – Dr. Andreas von Below.
The program included also meetings with representatives of the German Bundestag, CDU/CSU, the Academy of “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation, as well as representatives of youth European, and in particular right-orientated organizations.
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