An educational session in campaign management was conducted in 24-26 October 2008 in Antalia, Turkey. It was organized by International Republican Institute (IRI)- an American Non Governmental Organization (NGO), aiming to spread and support democracy worldwide. MGERB participated in the event.
The session lasted three day and the following took part: representers of right and centralist parties from Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Monte Negro, Macedonia, Turkey and Romania. The education was lead by members of IRI, right parties from Central Europe and more specifically- Christiandemocratic union from Netherlands, Austria’s People Party and a campaign specialist from Sweden. The participants got know general information about right politics around the world, information about conducting sociological surveys and then interpreting the results in a political context. Special attention was paid to political surveys and especially the ones relating to election campaigns.
Several simulation games aiming to introduce young people to the actual organization of a campaign, creating the campaign strategy, involving volunteers, direct contact with voters and motivating people to participate ere played.
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