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The chairman of PP GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov presented certificates to the participants in the “Political Academy” of MGERB. In his speech in front of MGERB’s members he put a major accent at the role of young people in socio-political life. “The aim of the political academy we organized is to make you aware of you strong and weak sides, to make capable of reacting in critical situations and to be able to take the challenges of participating in political life”. Tsvetanov gave the invitation for a debate by BSP’s youth organization as an example and made it clear that GERB’s young politicians will behave accordingly, use hard facts and positivism, because GERB considers BSP to be an opponent and not an enemy.
“The policy of PP GERB is to invest in young people, so the idea of this training is to optimally prepare you, because you know that the party will pick its staff from your environment” added GERB’s chairman.
The “Political Academy” project was realized with the cooperation of “Hans Seidel” and “Konrad Adenauer” foundations. The award ceremony took place in Bulgarska Armia hotel on Sunday- 16.11.2008. All of the 48 participants from MGERB’s 28 regional structures successfully graduate the first “Political Academy” and were awarded a certificate. The “Political Academy” started in August in Veliko Tarnovo with the first summer university with a topic: “The Young voice in European Bulgaria”. The selection of the participants in the “Political Academy” started with a screening of CVs and then tests for personal characteristics were conducted by qualified psychologists and experts.
The five modules of training in the academy were: Self-awareness; The role of personality; Solving interpersonal conflicts; Media behavior and Principles for successful management. All training sessions were lead by independent experts and foreign lectures.
“Our young people can also set billboards in a line from Sofia to the sea, on which the promised highways, at which only Stanishev looks by his heart, could be seen. They can also expose ‘Herald Tribune’ and ‘New York Times’ on billboards with the colorful pictures of Stanishev walking together with Mario Nikolov, prosecuted for the SAPARD affaire. They can do this but according to me it’s not at the level, on which politics should be conducted”. This was said in Ruse by Boyko Borisov, leader of GERB, at round table about the problems of security and public order. About the youth GERB he added ‘they can hold debates and do this. In August started their political academy and tomorrow they’ll receive certificates for the successful participation in the course of trainings’ Borisov said.
The chairman of PP GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov will give certificates to the participants in the ‘Political academy’ of the Youth organization of MGERB. The project is realized due to the assistance of ‘Hanns Seidel’ and ‘Konrad Adenauer’ foundations. The ceremony on the awards will take place at Bulgarian army hotel on Sunday – 16.11.2008 at 12.00. 48 representatives of the structures of MGERB from the 28 regions of the country finish the first ‘Political academy’. All the participants will receive certificates. We remind you that the ‘Political academy’ started in August in Veliko Tarnovo with the first summer university of MGERB on the topic: ‘The youth voice in European Bulgaria’.
In order to participate in the ‘Political academy’ the representatives from all the districts of the country were selected by CVs in advance and after that there were personality exams, created and checked by qualified psychologists and experts.
The aim of the political academy that MGERB organized is to train knowledge for the strong and weak features, skills for coping with critical situations and adequacy to the challenges facing the participation in the political life. The young politicians were trained by independent experts and foreign lecturers. The program included sessions for Personal identification, Training for the influence on the personality, Coping with problems between people, Media behavior and Principles of the successful government.
An educational session in campaign management was conducted in 24-26 October 2008 in Antalia, Turkey. It was organized by International Republican Institute (IRI)- an American Non Governmental Organization (NGO), aiming to spread and support democracy worldwide. MGERB participated in the event.
The session lasted three day and the following took part: representers of right and centralist parties from Albania, Croatia, Serbia, Monte Negro, Macedonia, Turkey and Romania. The education was lead by members of IRI, right parties from Central Europe and more specifically- Christiandemocratic union from Netherlands, Austria’s People Party and a campaign specialist from Sweden. The participants got know general information about right politics around the world, information about conducting sociological surveys and then interpreting the results in a political context. Special attention was paid to political surveys and especially the ones relating to election campaigns.
Several simulation games aiming to introduce young people to the actual organization of a campaign, creating the campaign strategy, involving volunteers, direct contact with voters and motivating people to participate ere played.
The members of the executive body of MGERB visited the German capital – Berlin on the invitation of ‘Konrad Adenauer’ Foundation. There they visited the Bundestag and the German Chancellor house, as well as the head office of Konrad Adenauer foundation and Christian Democratic Union (CDU).
There they had the opportunity to meet with Oliver Borowi – vice-president of ‘Parliamentary law’ department in the Bundestag, Kai Wahlen – responsible for youth issues in the Bundestag, Antonius Halbe – foreign policy advisor of the parliamentary group of CDU/CSU and with representatives of the German chancellor house with whom they discussed a number of problems and methods of work in Germany, which could be incorporated in the Bulgarian practice. The representatives of MGERB met with Norman Beckman-Dierkes, chairman of the ‘Middle and East Europe’ department of Konrad Adenauer foundation. With him they discussed the activity of the foundation around the world and especially in Bulgaria, as well as the political situation in our country. The conversation emphasized on the right values and the role of young people in Bulgaria, particularly in the activity of the party. Beckman-Dirkes was assured about the future of our country after the conversation with MGERB in which they said that PP GERB invested in young people and supported the realization of their initiatives. The political academy of PP GERB, established by the suggestion of MGERB, was welcomed by all partners, as well as the fact that the young voice in European Bulgaria had its response in the activity of the party.
Monika Panayotova, chairwoman of the youth organization of PP GERB presented the work of MGERB at national level, which caused many positive reactions and met a great approval. Our foreign-policy partners were assured in PP GERB’s intention to emphasize on experts and specialists in the future government of Bulgaria, so that the image of Bulgarian institutions could be restored and that people could return their trust in them at both – national and international level.
MGERB held also meetings with both youth organizations of CSU the student organization and the youth union of CDU, where they exchanged a number of good practices of work with young people in both countries.
“I am sorry that there is no clause in Lisbon Treaty, that expels countries like Bulgaria from EU, which do not observe their obligations to the Union”, that was said yesterday by Antonius Halbe, councilor of foreign affaires about the European issues of CDU/CSU political group, during a work meeting with the executive body of MGERB.
Supporting Bulgaria at the time of its joining to the EU, the disappointment of what is happening in our country at the moment urges Mr. Halbe, as well as a number of his colleagues across Europe, to regret that there are no clauses for expelling member countries, which do not observe their obligations to the Union and characterizing with high levels of corruption, from EU. Commenting upon the situation in our country, stopped resources on euro funds side, he concluded: “This isn't Europe. We rely very much on the young people in Bulgaria and that they will work and contribute to change the way of thinking in the country and building a new European type of political culture, through which they will bring back the confidence in their country”.
Dr. von Below expressed the big expectations and passed vote of confidence, which PP GERB has in Bulgaria about realizing this change. During the period November 28-31, NEC of MGERB is on a work visit in Berlin at the invitation of “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation's representative for Bulgaria – Dr. Andreas von Below.
The program included also meetings with representatives of the German Bundestag, CDU/CSU, the Academy of “Konrad Adenauer” Foundation, as well as representatives of youth European, and in particular right-orientated organizations.