In the period between the 16th and the 19th of December 2010 in Berlin, Germany, the annual meeting of the European Democrat Students (EDS) – the largest university student political organisation in the EU, an associated member of the European People’s Party, took place. The event was attended by more then 100 delegates from over 25 political organisations. Representative of MGERB was Kalin Zahariev – Deputy International Secretary of MGERB.
The official opening was on the 17th of December, when the participants met with the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research – Thomas Rachel. During the meeting, which was held in the German parliament, there was a long discussion for the budget of higher education and research in the conditions of a crisis. Single countries were discussed, including Germany, which drastically increases investments in this sphere during this time of a crisis.
The second day of the event went in the building of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Three work sessions started there: “Organizing of events and fund raising”, “The Bologna process and European space for higher education”, “Publications”. The interest was greatest for “Bologna process and European space for higher education”. The session was a free discussion, exchange of opinions and creation of a common position on a given problem. The first given topic was changed after a proposal from the side of Kalin Zahariev from the name of MGERB. In connection with the preparation of a common position of EDS regarding the problems with the financing of higher education in the situation of a financial and economic crisis, and agreement was reached to have the topic changed.Later the traditional sessions of the permanent work groups were held: “Higher Education and Research”, “Politics for Europe” and “Human Rights”. During the meetings a given organisation has the right to propose a project of a position, resolution or something other, after which there is a discussion, change and adaptation. In the work group “Higher Education and Research” co-chaired by Kalin Zahariev, was presented the position of MGERB “Motion on Budget Cuts for Higher Education in Times of Crisis”. Kalin Zahariev presented a material designated for the magazine of the EDS (BullsEye). The title of the article is “Bailing-out Through Higher Education”. It was used as a project for a resolution, which will be presented to the EPP. After the end of sessions of the work groups, the participants were welcomed by Dr. Gerhard Vallers Deputy Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.
The last day started with a discussion in the Bundestag with Mr. Peter Altmaier, Member of Parliament and Head Parliamentary Secretary of the CDU Group in the German parliament. The topic of the discussion was focused on parliament activity and its European dimensions after the Lisbon Treaty. A short education session “Leadership” followed, which had the target to present in basic lines the Academy of the EDS – an initiative, which is forthcoming.

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