
In the period between the 17th and the 19th of December, was held the Second Winter University of MGERB mutually with the organisation of GERB Entrepreneurs and with the kind cooperation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in Bansko.
Organised in such a way, one of its target was to create strong team work and a connection between the young and the business in different regions, to unite the efforts and the expirience of both organisations for increasing the capacity on local level for managing business projects, or funds financed by the European structures. For this helped the team of lecturers, including Tsvetan Tsvetanov – Minister of Interior, Tomislav Donchev – Minister charged of EU funds management, Liliyana Pavlova – Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works; a series of members of parliament and experts of PP GERB. A special guest was Radoslav Tochev – General Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in New York and the MEP’s of GERB in the EP.
The winter university was opened by the Director of the Bureau of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Bulgaria – Mr. Andreas von Below. In his welcoming speech he stressed the importance of succession in conducting policies, in order to have stability in time. In her statement towards the participants Monika Panayotova pointed the benefits from an increase of cooperation of the entrepreneur organisation with MGERB, for achieving stable results. At the end Mr. Below was pleasantly surprised by the prepared by MGERB gift for the occasion of his retirement – an Orthodox icon, as a sign of our uniting values.
Especially for MGERB, to the winter university came, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov. He once again highlighted the importance and the activity of the youth, as well as his pleasure to be with them. Sometimes the prime minister speaks to me, that I turn the most attention to the young, and not the seniors, as we can not become youths, but seniors for sure, joked Tsvetanov. He presented to the gathered participants the work of the government in the sphere of security. If there is no security for each citizen, if there is no security for the business that it will work normally, if our investors and our partners don’t have security – we can not achieve the wanted development for the country. This is why it is important for the government of GERB to give the so wanted security to the citizens of Bulgaria, he added, Minister Donchev presented to the participants the ways for structuring a plan for candidacy for the European programs and how to check for the stability of an idea. Divided in 10 groups the participants received a serious of cases, for which they prepared their projects in together and put forth short term, middle term and long term goals. Later the projects were evaluated and the flaws corrected.
Team work was strengthened also during the trainings on team work and communication skills by Irena Sokolova – Member of Parliament in the 41st National Assembly and Sevdelina Arnaudova - PR of PP GERB. Later the participants were informed about the functioning of the new started program by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works – JESSICA by Deputy Minister Pavlova. The second day of the seminar was concluded by the Euro-Atlantic meeting of the participants with Radoslav Tochev and the MEP’s – Andrey Kovatchev, Illiana Ivanova, Vladimir Urutchev and Mariya Nedelcheva. They discussed the future of the transatlantic relations, as well as the challenges before the EU, born by the fiscal crisis on the continent.In the Sunday morning the youths gathered in the center of Bansko, where they held their civil initiative, with which they greeted the citizens and the guests of the resort for the Christmas and New Year holidays.
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