

December 21, 2010

Monika Panayotova for the scandal with the agent-diplomats and assimilation of European funds


Monika Panayotova, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds

Host: On the topic which continues to be discussed from several days - Representatives of the former State Security in our diplomatic services. The exit from here on after the big scandal which erupted and in the context of the two political resignations, which were given – of Minister Bozhidar Dimitrov and the Deputy Minister of Interior Pavlin Dimitrov. What are the intentions of the ruling party GERB from here on and even more today the undeniably circulating support for the varnish in our political life, including in diplomacy, this for MRF. We are going to speak on the topic with Monika Panayotova, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds and Member of the Foreign Policy and Defence Committee. Good morning, Miss Panayotova.

Monika Panayotova: Good morning to you and all the listeners.

Host: For you is the support surprising, even still on the level of interviews, which came from MRF for a radical solution to the problem with the former employees of State Security in power?

Monika Panayotova: I would determine it as … I would rather greet it. I would not determine whether it is surprising or not. It is important, that we are really on the stage, in which, for pity not all political powers declare their readiness, precisely for former employees of State Security to be our diplomatic representatives behind borders.

Host: For now you are tightening only to diplomatic representatives. Do you think that it is time to lead the big talk, even for the existence of State Security in the life of Bulgaria?

Monika Panayotova: Absolutely, there is political will for this to happen, but we are putting efforts to do it in stages, because this is a problem, which 20 years, unfortunately, hasn’t found its solution and there is no way how this can happen radically at once.

Host: Maybe, because it hasn’t found its solution in 20 years, now this is why bid decisions are difficult?

Monika Panayotova: Precisely, and the other thing, which is, society is ready, and I think that the fact that the majority are people which are not encumbered through the years, which, really came with the idea to change the mentality and the way of leading politics in the country, shows this strength and will for things to change. Not only declare it, but concrete steps are going to be taken. Because, it is really unacceptable that our representatives abroad, accordingly be our representatives, because the authority of the country to a great percentage rests on their work. Here we are not speaking about their personal qualities or level of professionalism. Here we are speaking about principles and a value, which they follow. Only if you allow me to say actually, both documents, which determine the status, which defines the status of the Foreign Intelligence of State Security is based on precisely on active intelligence gathering on the territory of capitalistic countries, one of the documents. The other document says, that the activity needs to be directed against the main enemy the USA and their allies, firstly Turkey and Greece.

Host: Unique archaism.

Monika Panayotova: They had followed such values, such beliefs. They have worked against those countries and suddenly to turn their vision and way of leading diplomacy 180* degrees.

Host: Well, but you are a person, who in the quality of a member of the Foreign Policy and Defence Committee had the opportunity to meet with some of our ambassadors. I think, there is a hearing with you in the committee. You personally as members of parliament do you carry any responsibility for such an employment, which has been realized in the frame of the mandate of GERB? Despite that the procedure has started before that.

Monika Panayotova: On principle, there are hearings of the diplomats, which are forthcoming. Actually, everything which we can hold is only to hear our representatives there and accordingly to declare our political support for their forthcoming mandate. The prerogatives and the actual choosing depend on the foreign minister, as well as the president. Because they are appointed with an ordinance.

Host: Have you given political support in the Committee for people, which will be recalled, do you remember?

Monika Panayotova: No. Shortly we gave political support for Mr. Marin Raikov, who is our ambassador to France and who is not in the list, of Mrs. Poptodorova, who is in the USA and also is not included. The important is what we done from here on.

Host: Yes, what do you do from here on?

Monika Panayotova: The situation at the moment is that in 13 from 27 member countries we have such representatives. In seven from the countries in the Balkans we have representatives, which are present in this list, which is unallowable. In countries in which we promote democracy, European values, a particular way of leading politics can not be done by such representatives. In this moment from here on they are discredited. Even before during the frame of the hearings of the commission we hadn’t known that they figure in those lists they are now there. So from here on from one side there is political will, there is that of the parliament and of the ruling majority and accordingly of the prime minister of the government.

Host: To do what? A declaration, resolution, some document is expected from you. Without doubts that’s what the foreign minister said that that is expected from the government. Do you think that this can happen until tomorrow or we postpone the topic for next year?

Monika Panayotova: It will be postponed for next year with the view that we want to go out with a united resolution of the parliament, which will take time for consideration between the political forces. A resolution is being prepared at the moment I personally hope that it is submitted until the end of the year, so that the real part can start from January.

Host: What does it contain?

Monika Panayotova: The important which we want to give as a message is that those people are really recalled and to give a chance to the younger to move up in the diplomatic career. The other thing which depends on us as members of parliament and as the government is to insert the correct amendments to the law for diplomatic duty which makes impossible the entering in the system for people with such status. As well as in the higher positions, ambassador, general council, temporarily governing, permanent representative, as this is foreseen to happen in the beginning of next year.

Host: You said that it is about connecting competence, which also regards the president. How to recall, if the president is on the position that part of those ambassadors have ascended us into the EU and NATO and that for everyone of them needs to be taken a decision, as its said dossier by dossier, if we remain at this operative language.

Monika Panayotova: I personally really hope that the president thinks over his position, the prime minister really defined the situation there, that a raven doesn’t poke out a ravens eye. But in the end from here on the image of our country depends on this. If we really have a nationally responsible behaviour which the president has always tried to declare now he needs to prove it through specific actions. There is another line in the end the diplomats have the opportunity to withdraw on their own in case that there is no necessary political will from the president to take this action. Because we really don’t speak for the specific person here we speak about the image of our country. And when the mark of our country doesn’t stand good it is difficult to realize successful policy and to have the trust of our allies.

Host: Yes, but you must have a reserve variant if the president refuses. You remember how long the debate continued regarding our ambassadors in the USA and Turkey in connection with the elections in their conducting there. Do you think you need to be prepared with a reserve way to have those people recalled here in Bulgaria and if there is such a massive recalling of people here in Bulgaria, how will this reflect on the mark Bulgaria that you speak about?

Monika Panayotova: Yes that’s true, but as the list is clear our partners are asking what we are doing from here on.

Host: Do they really ask, because we were rebuked that we ask more then them?

Monika Panayotova: In no way, of course in a delicate way the question is asked by them, because now it is looked upon with very different eyes upon those of our representatives. I really don’t want to reproach those of our representatives there some of them could really have done their job, as they should, but the fact that they have belonged to this structure, who have worshipped this philosophy and those values, now it is hard to convince a person that you work in the favor of your partnership and not in foreign interest.

Host: One specific case I want to comment with you. Our ambassador in Hungary. Hungary takes from the 1st of January the presidency of the EU at a very important for Bulgaria moment. What do we do with this person if we recall him, who represents us, if we let him stay, he is such.

Monika Panayotova: I need to tell you that here it is very delicate, because the presidency is in the frame of six months and during the frame of this presidency we await the joining of Bulgaria to the Schengen space.

Host: Precisely

Monika Panayotova: From this point of view it depends on the particular diplomat. If we really have a blocking from the side of the president and we can not overcome this barrier, here it is about the moral duty of the diplomat to make his choice, because he has declared that he is going to defend the interests of the country and his presence in that case is not a priority of the country.

Host: Yes, but you know how long the procedure for sending a new ambassador takes, because of the procedures, which need assume actions from both sides on the decision for sending an ambassador. There will be such a vacuum again.

Monika Panayotova: From our side the political will is strong and in such created fast circumstances I am sure that actions will be with greater speed. But we are really dependent in the case from the decision of the president. The other important thing is if we really come out quicker in parliament with a resolution, rather then a declaration, the resolution now has a completely different status, has the weight of decision, which has a compulsory character. But this depends on the will of the political (…)

Host: Does GERB have the capacity to fill those places. There was a comment was week, I saw it somewhere. It was titled “Paragraph 22” where it was said that maybe there will even have to be a change in the Law for diplomatic services in connection with the non ability of GERB to ensure so many leaders of missions with a rank minister-counselor or ambassador as much as are needed to be changed.

Monika Panayotova: Well I think that in the frame of the foreign ministry enough proven professionals who will be able to fulfill those functions. All in all on principle 20% of the quota is for political forces i.e. to have a ambassador appointed on a line of a political force and 80% are assumed to be professional diplomats which are career diplomats from the foreign ministry. So from this point of view I am sure that the foreign ministry has enough staff, which has been blocked up to this moment by those people. I have personally graduated foreign relations and I have had colleagues which have gone on this road in the foreign ministry. But unfortunately they quit even on their third year, because they saw that the system is very clumsy that they are blocked and they did not see a way for advancing in their career. So from here on it is very important what the amendment in the Law for the diplomatic services and what reform will be undertaken by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because we have declared in the program of the government, that such e reform will be made.

Host: I.e. to expect until the end of the year to have the directions transparent and the details, the parameters we will see them. Thank You! Monika Panayotova, GERB.

December 20, 2010

MGERB participated in European Democrat Students seminar in Berlin, Germany


In the period between the 16th and the 19th of December 2010 in Berlin, Germany, the annual meeting of the European Democrat Students (EDS) – the largest university student political organisation in the EU, an associated member of the European People’s Party, took place. The event was attended by more then 100 delegates from over 25 political organisations. Representative of MGERB was Kalin Zahariev – Deputy International Secretary of MGERB.

The official opening was on the 17th of December, when the participants met with the Parliamentary State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research – Thomas Rachel. During the meeting, which was held in the German parliament, there was a long discussion for the budget of higher education and research in the conditions of a crisis. Single countries were discussed, including Germany, which drastically increases investments in this sphere during this time of a crisis.

The second day of the event went in the building of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Three work sessions started there: “Organizing of events and fund raising”, “The Bologna process and European space for higher education”, “Publications”. The interest was greatest for “Bologna process and European space for higher education”. The session was a free discussion, exchange of opinions and creation of a common position on a given problem. The first given topic was changed after a proposal from the side of Kalin Zahariev from the name of MGERB. In connection with the preparation of a common position of EDS regarding the problems with the financing of higher education in the situation of a financial and economic crisis, and agreement was reached to have the topic changed.Later the traditional sessions of the permanent work groups were held: “Higher Education and Research”, “Politics for Europe” and “Human Rights”. During the meetings a given organisation has the right to propose a project of a position, resolution or something other, after which there is a discussion, change and adaptation. In the work group “Higher Education and Research” co-chaired by Kalin Zahariev, was presented the position of MGERB “Motion on Budget Cuts for Higher Education in Times of Crisis”. Kalin Zahariev presented a material designated for the magazine of the EDS (BullsEye). The title of the article is “Bailing-out Through Higher Education”. It was used as a project for a resolution, which will be presented to the EPP. After the end of sessions of the work groups, the participants were welcomed by Dr. Gerhard Vallers Deputy Chairman of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation.

The last day started with a discussion in the Bundestag with Mr. Peter Altmaier, Member of Parliament and Head Parliamentary Secretary of the CDU Group in the German parliament. The topic of the discussion was focused on parliament activity and its European dimensions after the Lisbon Treaty. A short education session “Leadership” followed, which had the target to present in basic lines the Academy of the EDS – an initiative, which is forthcoming.

MGERB held its Second Winter University under the motto “Management of Projects for the European Development of Bulgaria”


In the period between the 17th and the 19th of December, was held the Second Winter University of MGERB mutually with the organisation of GERB Entrepreneurs and with the kind cooperation of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, in Bansko.

Organised in such a way, one of its target was to create strong team work and a connection between the young and the business in different regions, to unite the efforts and the expirience of both organisations for increasing the capacity on local level for managing business projects, or funds financed by the European structures. For this helped the team of lecturers, including Tsvetan Tsvetanov – Minister of Interior, Tomislav Donchev – Minister charged of EU funds management, Liliyana Pavlova – Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works; a series of members of parliament and experts of PP GERB. A special guest was Radoslav Tochev – General Consul of the Republic of Bulgaria in New York and the MEP’s of GERB in the EP.

The winter university was opened by the Director of the Bureau of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Bulgaria – Mr. Andreas von Below. In his welcoming speech he stressed the importance of succession in conducting policies, in order to have stability in time. In her statement towards the participants Monika Panayotova pointed the benefits from an increase of cooperation of the entrepreneur organisation with MGERB, for achieving stable results. At the end Mr. Below was pleasantly surprised by the prepared by MGERB gift for the occasion of his retirement – an Orthodox icon, as a sign of our uniting values.

Especially for MGERB, to the winter university came, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov. He once again highlighted the importance and the activity of the youth, as well as his pleasure to be with them. Sometimes the prime minister speaks to me, that I turn the most attention to the young, and not the seniors, as we can not become youths, but seniors for sure, joked Tsvetanov. He presented to the gathered participants the work of the government in the sphere of security. If there is no security for each citizen, if there is no security for the business that it will work normally, if our investors and our partners don’t have security – we can not achieve the wanted development for the country. This is why it is important for the government of GERB to give the so wanted security to the citizens of Bulgaria, he added, Minister Donchev presented to the participants the ways for structuring a plan for candidacy for the European programs and how to check for the stability of an idea. Divided in 10 groups the participants received a serious of cases, for which they prepared their projects in together and put forth short term, middle term and long term goals. Later the projects were evaluated and the flaws corrected.

Team work was strengthened also during the trainings on team work and communication skills by Irena Sokolova – Member of Parliament in the 41st National Assembly and Sevdelina Arnaudova - PR of PP GERB. Later the participants were informed about the functioning of the new started program by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works – JESSICA by Deputy Minister Pavlova. The second day of the seminar was concluded by the Euro-Atlantic meeting of the participants with Radoslav Tochev and the MEP’s – Andrey Kovatchev, Illiana Ivanova, Vladimir Urutchev and Mariya Nedelcheva. They discussed the future of the transatlantic relations, as well as the challenges before the EU, born by the fiscal crisis on the continent.

In the Sunday morning the youths gathered in the center of Bansko, where they held their civil initiative, with which they greeted the citizens and the guests of the resort for the Christmas and New Year holidays.

December 06, 2010

MGERB participated in YEPP seminar dedicated to university student's mobility


From the 2nd to the 5th of December Pavel Hristov – Regional Coordinator of MGERB Varna and Todor Petrov from MGERB Lovech took part in a seminar of YEPP (the Youth Organisation of the European People’s Party) in Skopje, Macedonia, hosted by the Youth Union of VMRO-DPMNE on the topic of: “Youth educational programs – a factor for university student mobility”.

The representatives of MGERB had the opportunity to participate in a series of discussions with representatives of the executive and legislative government in Macedonia, among which were Nikola Gruevski – Prime Minister of Macedonia, Trajko Veljanovski – Speaker of the Parliament, Nikola Todorov – Minister of Education, as well as other members of the cabinet and members of parliament from the Macedonian parliament. Among the main topics of discussion were the good practices from the education reform in Macedonia, among which: investments in new universities, new laboratories (for which were given over 60 million euro), as well as a level of 4.7% from the GDP determined for education and science.

During the seminar there was a meeting of the Council of YEPP, during which the European youth organisation confirmed the readiness for MGERB to become a full member of YEPP during the next congress in Berlin.During the meeting of the council were adopted several resolutions targeted towards economical management, simultaneous with the package of measures for economical management, discussed on European level, precisely: “Appeal for financial discipline in the EU”, “Resolution for economical integration of southeastern Europe” and others.

December 02, 2010

Monika Panayotova: Party games trip us for Schengen


Monika Panayotova, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds

I always ask myself, why always when our country is going in the right direction, there is always someone to criticize and make negative campaign, appropriate for an election platform, but in last place in the interest of the image of the country. The “Bulgaria Brand” can be hard to lay on the competitive European and world market, when the Bulgarians constantly try to present it as not ably competitive. Until we understand that its mutual building will bring positives for all citizens and in particular parties, without matter being in opposition or in power, it will be harder for us to change the perception of Brussels, that our country is just a place, embodied with corruption and organised crime. Joining Schengen has two dimensions – covering the technical criteria and trust, which if the parties in Bulgaria undermine the processes will not develop in the interest of the country.

The joining of our country has moral value, because the Bulgarian citizens currently also travel freely with personal passports in the countries of the EU, but joining Schengen, Bulgaria will be treated as a full righted and full valued member of the union, passing its full integration in the Community.

That’s why if we have in our country real democrats for a STRONG Bulgaria three main errors should not be allowed to occur in the process of the joining of our country to the Schengen space, precisely to connect:

“Schengen with the mechanism for cooperation and verification”;

“Schengen with the problem which occurred in France with the Roma from Romania and Bulgaria”;

“Schengen – the border problem with Greece and the mobilization of FRONTEX”.


Because every connection has only and singly political character and can not be legally justified. In the countries stating reserves elections are forthcoming and the political configuration dictates their short term goals.

Because the judicial power is independent, the part of the reform regarding change and creation of normative acts and undertaking actions in the direction of the fight with corruption, organised crime, which are in the prerogative of the executive and legislative power are undertaken.

Because placing on the same surface and treating on an identical manner of Bulgaria and Romania is not fair. The returned Roma from our neighbor numbered thousands, while from Bulgaria there were 50 voluntarily returning. Regarding the technical criteria the marks for Bulgaria are excellent.

Because the stability on the Bulgarian borders should not be placed under doubt, because for years our country has been a border between two worlds a period for which we should daily value democracy.

I ask myself, where were DSB to ask the former government why during 2007 and 2008 under the financial instrument there was 1.43% assimilation. Thanks to the efforts of the current government was negotiated 100% financing on the instrument and to this date are assimilated more then 70% (which in numbers is 175 million assimilated of negotiated 252.2 million levs).

We from GERB will continue to play by the rules and will continue to do on the principle of the good example, what is necessary for the “Bulgaria Brand”, on a maximum transparent way, let us hope to see a change in the approach of our “partners”, “constructive opposition”, I think I got confused exactly how to define them.

November 23, 2010

Representatives of MGERB Sofia took part in training on campaign management, organized by IRI


From 18 to 22 November was held a training organized by the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the Leadership Institute for Central and Eastern Europe (LICEE), in Pristina, Kosovo. Important forum brought together young activists from the center-right political space, there were representatives from youth organizations of political parties in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Kosovo,
Latvia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. Bulgaria was represented by Vladimir Vanchev and Mitja Atanasov MGERB of Sofia.

Lecturers at the seminar were: Mr. Balint Portsalmi - Executive Vice-President of the Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania, Mr. Ronald Ryudl - Austrian People's Party and Mr. Meyus van der Poel - Consultant, Foundation Eduardo Frei, former campaign manager , Christian-democratic appeal, the Netherlands. As a special lecturer at the seminar was
Mr. Jan Erik Surotchak, Resident Director of the Regional Programme of the International Republican Institute in Europe.

Bulgaria has been actively represented at the seminar by MGERB, taking active part in all simulation games, questions and answers, and preparing and performing a statistical presentation on the orientation of the voters in our country. So, they received universal praise from all participants in the seminar.

November 18, 2010

Monika Panayotova presented the role of the National parliament in the absorption of EU funds


Within the international conference on the topic: "Utilisation of EU funds: national priorities, the experience of Spain," Ms Monika Panayotova - Chairwoman of the Committee on European Affairs and oversight of the EU funds in the 41 th National Assembly presented the role of the National Assem
bly in the process management and monitoring of EU funds. International Conference was held in Sofia under the patronage and participation of Tomislav Donchev - Minister for management of EU funds and Hon. Jorge Fuentes - Ambassador of Spain in Bulgaria.

Ms. Panayotova emphasized on the importance and role of the Committee led by her in the absorption of EU funds - to exercise effective control over the overall management of EU funds in Bulgaria and act as guarantor for quality regulation in this area. Given the importance of European funding for the Bulgarian economy and the development of the country in the 41 th National Assembly of Bulgaria for the first time this topic is discussed within the Parliamentary Committee. Committee on European Affairs and oversight of the EU funds monitor the implementation of 21 programs and instruments financed by European funds.

Parliamentary control which the Committee exercises includes regular hearings with representatives of the executive power responsible for programs financed by EU funds, preparation of annual and interim reports on the absorption of EU funds, making recommendations to the executive to implement an integrated approach in program management, seeking synergy of performance and a clear prioritization of objectives in building the national vision for “Bulgaria 2020” in the context of “Europe 2020” Strategy. An early warning mechanism for weaknesses and problem areas in the management of EU funds, created by the Committee, is an integral part of constructive communication with the executive.

Ms. Panayotova noted that the Committee shares the desire of the executive branch to better regulate the process of management of EU funds. In this regard the Committee carried out a detailed analysis of the practice of Member States in the field of normative regulation of EU funds, which showed a different approach to regulating the matter in different countries - from its codification in a special law; its aggregation into a single regulation act; the lack of specific rules, and instead applying a series of procedural manuals and instructions by the Managing Authorities in the various operational programs.

In the context of better regulation, Ms. Panayotova noted that in preparation for the next programming period, a challenge for Bulgaria will be the creation of a maximally effective model for the Bulgarian conditions, without additional bureaucracy and to help beneficiaries. To achieve this goal needs to be applied approach leading to the unification of the regulatory framework for the management of European funds with a clear structure for management of programs, available and transparent rules and procedures as well as balance of rights and obligations between the administration and beneficiaries leading to less bureaucracy. In conclusion, Ms. Panayotova stressed that the achievement of the priorities of the Committee will be implemented in close cooperation and continuous dialogue with partners from the executive, NGOs, business and academic community.

In the second part of the conference experts on European funds from leading Spanish consulting companies shared their experiences and best practices in managing EU funds in Spain.

November 09, 2010

MGERB participated in a discussion about electronic voting


On November 8 at the Red House in Sofia was held a discussion on "E-voting' as part of the project "E-citizenship ". Moderator of the debate was Anna Krasteva, director of the project.

The meeting was attended by representatives from youth organizations of MGERB and DSB, lecturers from the NBU, representatives of non-governmental organization “Vote Without Borders”, representatives of "The Other Bulgaria", students, bloggers and citizens. As representatives of MGERB the discussion was attended by Petar Tonkov from Plovdiv and Mitya Atanasov and Botyo Botev from Sofia.

All participants agreed on the idea that there should have an electronic voting, but it needed to be carefully created a voting system so that no manipulation of votes was possible and vote buying would not be facilitated. Although the reasons that this kind of vote was secure enough, since the integrity of votes shall be ensured through various security methods, participants received no call electronic voting to fully implement immediately, but the idea to conduct a pilot project that would include predominantly Bulgarians abroad, where voting was difficult and young mobile people from the big cities of Bulgaria. Discussion ended with the summary that the majority of the attendees and participants in the discussion supported the idea of the government to conduct an experimental electronic voting, the results of which however should be carefully analyzed.

November 04, 2010

"Young talk about Europe" campaign started


On 2.11.2010 members of MGERB-Sofia launched the first phase of the project 'Young speak for Europe'. The initiative is under the patronage of Dr. Andrey Kovachev - Head of the Bulgarian delegation, and MEP from the EPP in the European Parliament and is implemented in cooperation with the Foundation 'Paideia'.

The project aims in the form of debate to be discussed topics related to European identity, community citizenship and place of Bulgaria. The theme is particularly important at a time when after the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty, the European Union is changing.

The target group includes students from upper grades of ten metropolitan schools, who during the first stage participate with two teams in a debate, as the winning team will take part and represent its school in the second round, which will be held between the different schools.

The initiative was launched in 133th Secondary school ‘A.S. Pushkin ', where students with special desire and good preparation debated the topics: "Do you feel European?" and "What does it mean for you European citizenship?”.

Later the debate in 91 German Language School was attended personally by Dr. Andrey Kovachev - a graduate of the high school who presented to the students the activities of the European Parliament and how a policy that is drawn in Brussels has a direct impact here. Students raised many questions to him related to his activities as an MEP and Chairman of the Bulgarian delegation of the EPP. Young people from the German School debated the topic of diversity and unity of the Community. This and next week's debates will be held in other schools in the capital.

October 27, 2010

Representative of MGERB visited the European Commission under the "Young Bulgarian Leaders" program


On 25 and 26 October 2010 in Brussels, Belgium information visit was held in the European Commission under the "Young Bulgarian politicians” program. Joana Bakardjieva member of MGERB – Sofia took part in the visit.

The purpose of the visit was acquaintance with the activities of the European Commission and in particular its future actions concerning Bulgaria. The list of speakers included representatives of different committees that presented to the participants the theoretical basis, combined with practice and performance of current policy of the EU.

Great interest among the participants provoked the presentation on EU Regional Policy by Tsvyatko Velikov who focused to the Bulgarian conditions in this policy. The emphasis was put on explaining the basic concepts, budget, legal basis and the Cohesion Fund. The rest of the lectures were connected with the EU energy policy and climate change, health policy and the protection of consumer rights. The visit allowed participants to be informed about the actions of the European Commission, the methodology of decision making and the forthcoming changes in the conditions in Bulgaria. The experience of the lecturers made possible the debate on those issues and answers to various questions.

Lecturers during the visit under the “Young Bulgarian politicians” program were: Zhivka Petrova, member of the Office of the High Representative of the EU, Tsvyatko Velikov - Directorate General for Regional Policy, Gilles Gentle inter-department communications links, Directorate General for Energy and Transport, Vesela Karlukovska "Inter-institutional relations and communication” to the Directorate General for Health and Consumers, Nadezhda Klyancheva, European Anti-Fraud Office and others.

September 27, 2010

The priorities in the European policy of the Bulgarian parliament


According to Monika Panayotova one of the guidelines of the Bulgarian European policy is targeted towards adopting the National Parliament to the requirements of the Lisbon Treaty.

The Bulgarian Parliament sets its priorities in its European policy based on the strategy “Europe 2020”. This is the fundamental document of the European Union, in which the views are set for the future of the member countries, the main objectives of the common European policy and the ways by which they will be achieved. In an interview for Radio Bulgaria the Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds in the National Assembly Monika Panayotova said, that the Bulgarian European policy is realised in two directions:

“One is connected with the adaptation of the National Bulgarian Parliament to the requirements of the Lisbon Treaty – she pointed. After its adaptation on /the 1st of December 2009/ our role as a national parliament is very important. In reality the acts of the EU will come from the EC directly in the national and they can in the frame of 8 weeks issue a standpoint, if they have remarks on them. After this has been cleared, these acts will go to the EP. This is why our role here is very important, to have the needed capacity, to meet these expectations. The question is also connected with the important bilateral parliamentary cooperation between members of national parliaments in the EU, in order for the particular standpoint of the national parliament to have support on a particular bill on European level.

The other line is connected with the priorities of Bulgaria in the context of the European strategy – energy, regional development and agriculture. In these areas is expected steady, intelligent and inclusive growth. It will be realised mandatory after consultations with representatives of non-government, employer and syndicate organisations. In the committee for European questions in the National Assembly, there is a specially created commission for this public debate. The work, which is ahead of us, is to start discussions for the new operative programs of the EU for the period 2014-2020”.

What is new in these programs?

“In the previous planning of operative programs in Bulgaria, a disadvantage was that they had tried to cover all portfolios. In this approach the results are not so tangible, because the financial support is used on almost all directions – from infrastructure to ecology, from administrative capacity to human resources and etc. According to me the correct way is to evaluate clearly which will be the priorities for the use of the European resources. If this will be infrastructure, education, competitiveness of the business environment or other, but they need to be fixed, so that the resources can be concentrated in these targets. The other important moments is when money is used in the current operative programs, as well as the following on the next from the new operative period, to have an integrated approach and synergy effect between them. Not to view separately every operative programme, but to that they complement each other. This is one of the proposals of the committee to the executive organs here. In this connection till the end of January the upcoming year we need to prepare a year report of the absorbed European funds in Bulgaria”.

It is known that in terms of absorption of European money our country has a delay of three years. The percent of invested money in specific projects is very small, but the opportunities are great. Since the beginning of this year the process was accelerated with easing the procedures, with control on the spent resources and things have gone in a good direction, also pointed Panayotova. With what can the parliament engage with its legislative work in this direction?

“This, which we have set as a priority in the National Assembly is the creation of a Law for the European Funds – she underlined. – In the moment there is an ordered research for how this sphere is regulated in the different member countries, so that we can borrow the good practices. The target is to have separate secondary acts, and a complete law to increase the control, to ease the procedures and the process as a whole.

From 2011 in 28 regions of the country information centers will start. There the beneficiaries, mainly the municipalities, will have direct access to information for the European funds and the ways to candidate for them. The online system also gives a chance for better information and transparency. The correct steps are made, but for their effect, we will have to wait”.

MGERB took part in the first meeting of the Council of the EDS on the topic of: “Human rights and democracy – popularization of European values


From the 21st of September to the 26th of September in Chisinau, Moldova the first Council of the EDS for 2010 was held. There was participation of over 25 member organisations from different countries, and the host of the event was the youth organisation of the Christian Democratic Peoples Party (PPCD) – “New Generation”.

MGERB was represented by Kalin Zahariev, Deputy International Secretary of MGERB and Co-Chair of the permanent work group for higher education of the EDS.

The opening of the event was a discussion with the participation of Natalia Corobca, representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation for Moldova. Given the foundations activities in Europe and in the world the topic was connected with the popularization the values of the EU.

The current political situation in Moldova, with a highlight on the Soviet past and the European future of Moldova was represented by Mr. Iurie Roşca, Chairman of the Christian Democratic People’s Party.

Two leading political analysts – Igor Boţan and Dr. Viorel Ciobotaru presented the process of the democratization in Moldova, the consolidation of the democratic processes and the government strategy in these directions. From the side of the two analysts the situation in Moldova was described as a “stable instability”, lack of political parties and instead a presence of “geopolitical parties”, targeted to the Russian Federation and the European Union. The topic about the separatist territory of Transnistria was discussed. According to the words of the two, the unrecognized as a separate subject area is supported by Russia, which supports targeted separatist territories in the former Soviet republics.

The youths met with Mr. Vitalie Grosu, representative of the Center for Information and Documentation of NATO in Moldova. The main topic was for the Euro-Atlantic perspectives for Moldova.

There were held several meeting in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, where the participants had a discussion with a representative of the cabinet of the minister. During the discussion a clear signal was given for the foreign policy of Moldova – towards the EU and NATO, and in the Ministry of Justice, where the participants had the opportunity to talk with the Deputy Minister regarding the key role of jurisdiction regarding human rights and the future of the joining of Moldova to the EU.

One of the most important meetings was with the Minister of Education, towards who were directed many questions, regarding the education system of Moldova, the Bologna Process, the number and financing of higher education facilities, the mobility of the students, exchange programs, accreditation of the higher education facilities and disciplines, and others.

During the work session the participants were divided in the three permanent work groups of the EU – Higher education, Policies of Europe and Human Rights.

In the frame of the working sessions were presented, discussed and amended proposals and resolutions in the competencies of the different groups. There were organised discussions with representatives of non-government organisations in the sphere of human rights. The main direction of the discussions were for the role of the NGO’s in the defence of human rights, increasing the initiatives of young people, especially in regions such as Transnistria. The legal frame for the human rights in Moldova was discussed. A representative of “Amnesty International” took part, presenting the activities of the organisation, as well as the problems with his work in Moldova.

September 09, 2010

The youth of GERB offered flowers to the monument of the victims of the communist regime


For the 9th of September, the day for honoring the victims of the communist regime, from the name of the parliamentary group of GERB the Youth of GERB Sofia, headed by Monika Panayotova – Chairwoman of MGERB and Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds in the 41st National Assembly and Dobroslav Dimitrov – Chairperson of the Foreign Policy and Defence Committee in the 41st National Assembly offered flowers to the monument of the victims of the communist regime.

“On this day we can make a balance, what we must do, so that we don’t let in the future a “repetition” of history. All of us need to acknowledge the fact that we can think, feel and express this which we think freely.” – stated Monika Panayotova. According to her all of us as citizens need to evaluate the fact that at the moment Bulgaria has a government, which is close to the quivers of the citizens, listens to their opinion and works in cooperation with them. As an opposite example she gave today’s statement by the parliamentary group of the Bulgarian Socialist Party in the parliament, with which the party showed itself as unreformed, not sharing the democratic values and most importantly – not believing in the thought, that “History is useful not because we read the past in it, but because we read in it the furure”.

September 01, 2010

Monika Panayotova: There is stated delay on the realisation of the projects on the instrument “Schengen”


There is no number in the report of the parliamentary commission for the European funds, which shows a potential losses for Bulgaria on the program “ISPA”, stated in the broadcast “12+3” Monika Panayotova, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds, in connection with publications in a newspaper from today, that the country can lose 543 million euro on the program. According to Panayotova the report states a consideration, that there is a threat to lose resources on the program, if the rates are not speeded up. “There is principle agreement from the side of the European Commission for prolongation of the deadline for finishing the projects on the pre-accession programme “ISPA”, which is until the end of 2011, and regarding specifically “Danube Bridge 2” – 2012”, she said.

The tendencies which we have been monitoring during the last months regarding the operative programs are the speeding up of payments, as well as of negotiating, said Panayotova. “We have a rate of 7 times more assimilated funds on the operative programs, which makes over 1 billion levs and over 5 billion levs negotiated, as in the last two months, which have not been monitored in the report, because it is for the first six months, this stable trend continues and we have over 53 million euro paid and over 56 million euro negotiated”, she stated. According to her for July and August the percentage of assimilation is 7.66. “Compared to what was achieved in the previous years, … 7 times rate of increase … From here on, the assimilation is not the only important, but the quality of the projects, which are prepared, so that they can have the most possible multiplying effect for the economy of our country. And the proposal of our commission is the so called “synergy approach” between the operative programs, so that a more integrated way can be achieved, so that both can add to each other in the condition of a crisis and in the conditions of the realisation of reforms. So that the rate, with which at the moment, after the changes, the things are developing is really positive, but it should not rather calm us, but to be a motivator for an even greater acceleration”, thinks the chairperson of the commission. According to her Bulgaria has around 8 billion euro on the operative programs.

The report covers 21 instruments, which are financed with resources from the European Union, she added. “Outside of the operative programs we monitor the instrument “Schengen”. Looking forward to the accession of Bulgaria to the Schengen space the commission directly monitors this instrument. The good thing that the government did is to lengthen the deadline for negotiation to 31st March – quoting by memory – but the important is that we managed to contract all of the financial resource, which was on that financial instrument. There is stated delay on the realisation of the projects, the program ends on the 31st of December, i.e. there needs to be acceleration, so that the projects can be realised, which are in the frame of the process of the accession of Bulgaria”, pointed Panayotova.

Are there risky programs, on which we lose money, what normative and institutional changes were made with the announcement of the portfolio of the Minister for European funds management, Tomislav Donchev, which are the achievable criteria for payments and negotiations of resources on the operative programs, what is accepted by the business as an obstacle for its inclusion as part of the programs, where is the difference between Bulgaria and the other countries members of the EU regarding the operative programs and on which programs Bulgaria is behind, as well as how much are the paid funds on the Rural region development programme you can hear on the sound file with the interview with Monika Panayotova.

Monika Panayotova: We have a rate of 7 times more assimilated funds on the operative programs


Monika Panayotova, Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds in the parliament, stated before the Bulgarian National Radio, that the middle report for the assimilation of the euro funds does not include data for potential losses for Bulgaria on the programme ISPA. She explained, that there has been stated consideration, that there is a threat to have losses of resources on the program, if there is no increase in the rate.“There is principle agreement from the side of the European Commission for prolongation of the deadline for finishing the projects on the pre-accession programme “ISPA”, which is until the end of 2011, and regarding specifically “Danube Bridge 2” – 2012”, said Panayotova.

The Member of Parliament announced about tendencies for acceleration of payments, as well as negotiation on the operative programs, which are: “We have a rate of 7 times more assimilated funds on the operative programs, which makes over 1 billion levs and over 5 billion levs negotiated, as in the last two months, which have not been monitored in the report, because it is for the first six months” she said. According to her for July and August the percentage of assimilation is 7.66.According to Panayotova Bulgaria has around 8 billion euro on the operative programs. “From here on, the assimilation is not the only important, but the quality of the projects, which are prepared, so that they can have the most possible multiplying effect for the economy of our country”. The commission proposed the so called “synergy approach” between the operative programs, so that a more integrated way can be achieved.

The report covers 21 instruments, which are financed with resources from the European Commission. The Commission directly monitors the instrument “Schengen”. “The important is that we managed to contract all of the financial resource, which was on that instrument”, said the MEP. “There is stated delay on the realisation of the projects, the program ends on the 31st of December, i.e. there needs to be acceleration, so that the projects can be realised, which are in the frame of the process of the accession of Bulgaria”, pointed Panayotova.

Source: “Europe” Gateway

European policy priorities of the Bulgarian Parliament


According to Monika Panayotova one of the guidelines of the Bulgarian European policy is aimed at adapting the national parliament to the requirements of the Lisbon Treaty.

Bulgarian Parliament set priorities in its European policy based on "Europe 2020" strategy. This is the fundamental document of the European Union, which in there are set out views about the future of member states, the main objectives of the common European policy and how they will be achieved. In an interview for Radio Bulgaria the Chairwoman of the Commission on European Affairs and oversight of the EU funds in the National Assembly Monika Panayotova said that Bulgarian European policy has two main directions:

“One is related to the adaptation of the Bulgarian national parliament to the requirements of the Lisbon Treaty – she said - After its adoption / on 1st December 2009 /, our role as national parliament is now very important. In fact the acts of the EU will come from the European Commission directly to the national parliaments and they may, within eight weeks to issue an opinion if they have comments on them. After this procedure is passed, these acts will go to the European Parliament. That’s why our role is very important here to have the necessary capacity to meet these expectations. The question is also associated with the important bilateral parliamentary cooperation between members of different national parliaments in the EU in order to support the opinion of the National Assembly given on a specific bill at European level.

The other line is connected with the priorities of Bulgaria in the context of the european strategy - energy, regional development and agriculture. In these areas sustainable, intelligent and inclusive growth is expected. It will be implemented after compulsory consultations with representatives of NGOs, employers and trade unions. The Committee on European Affairs in the National Assembly created a special committee for this public debate. The work that stands ahead us is to start talks on new EU Operational Programmes for the period 2014 - 2020".

What is new in these programs?

“In the previous period of planning the operational programs in Bulgaria, the disadvantage was that they tried to cover all portfolios. Under this approach, the results are not so tangible, because financial support is used in almost all directions - from infrastructure to environmental protection, the administrative capacity of human resources, etc. According to me the right way is to judge clearly what will be our priorities in the use of EU funds. Whether it will be infrastructure, education, competitive business environment or other, but must be fixed so that the means to be concentrated on those objectives. Another point is when you use money in the current operational programs, as well as coming from the new operational period, to have an integrated approach and synergy between them. That is not to be viewed separately in each operational program but they should complement each other. This is one of the committee's recommendations to our executive authorities in the country. In this connection by the end of January next year, we shall prepare an annual report on the utilization of EU funds in Bulgaria."

It is known that in terms of absorption of EU money our country has delayed by three years. The percentage of the invested money to specific projects is very small, but the opportunities are great. Since the beginning of this year, the process was accelerated by the ease of the procedures, with control over spending and things are going in good direction, also said Panayotova. What can engage in parliament through its legislative work in this regard?

What we set as a priority in the National Assembly, is the creation of Law on the European funds - she stressed. – Now a research is ordered about how this area is regulated in different member states, so we could borrow best practices. The goal is not to have separate secondary legislation but a complete act that will increase control, simplify procedures and process as a whole.

Since 2011 in 28 districts of the country will run data centers. There beneficiaries (mainly municipalities) will have direct access to information on European funds and how to apply for them. The online system also provides the chance for greater information and transparency. That is, to make the right steps, but their impact will have to wait.

August 06, 2010

MGERB is withdrawing from the Initiative committee for the creation of a National Youth Council

On the 21st of July 2010 with a letter to the Initiative committee for the creation of a National Youth Forum /IC/ MGERB expressed its concerns and worries regarding the process for the creation of a National Youth Forum, which started during March 2010. MGERB has supported the creation of a youth representation in Bulgaria and has worked actively in the IC with political and personnel resource from the beginning.

An exceptionally important moment is the fact, that the energy of the young people is gathered and has reached the moment for the discussion of real and structured youth policy. But it is important for us that this energy is directed in the right direction and to focus on one working structure, in which the main target should be – dialogically building policies.

Precisely in this direction, we have expressed multiple times our concerns, regarding the structure, as well as that the youth representation can be used for service of private party interests. The doubts of the organisation were confirmed, when they were expressed from non-government organisations, as well as political organisations. Having in mind the concerns around the criteria for the representation of organisations in the current structure of the National Youth Forum, we from MGERB believe that, despite continuing to support the idea for the creation of a National Youth Forum will withdraw from the Initiative committee for its creation.

We support the idea for the national youth organ to be regulated with a law for the youth and we will work intensely in this direction, as we leave ourselves open for constructive dialogue on questions regarding youth policy and we will be glad to achieve a functioning representation of the young people in Bulgaria, which will be a generator of creative ideas and to work for the development of the sector of youth policies.

July 29, 2010

MGERB took part in the discussion “Politics: Cause and/or profession”


On the 28th of July in New Bulgarian University a discussion on the topic of “Politics: Cause and/or profession” took place, which was attended by representatives of almost all youth political organisations. Representatives of MGERB were Monika Panayotova – Chairwoman of MGERB, Mitya Atanasov – MGERB Sofia and Milen Nikolov – Coordinator of MGERB Kiustendil.

The debate went around the two thesis “cause” – “profession”, but in the end all participants agreed, that politic is a cause, as well as a profession and some even added that it is a before all a vocation.

Monika Panayotova stated, that according to her in politic there always should be a cause, and not personal, not for personal gain. Along with that she expressed her opinion that the politician has to have a defined expertise and not only political speaking and participation in all topics in the daily routine. “You need to be able to promote given ideas, as well as defend them with arguments. But whatever you choose for yourself: cause and/or profession, before everything it is most important that when you do something, not depending on what it is, to do it with desire and to have motivation for it. Otherwise it can’t happen.” stated Monika, who is the Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds.

Monika Panayotova: We deserve a six for the improvement of the assimilation of European subsidies


Until the end of the year we can negotiate 50% of the resources and payments can reach 11%

- Miss Panayotova, you are in charge of the commission regarding European questions from a couple of weeks, what have you managed to achieve in this time?

- Yes the time limit has been short, but we succeeded to have three extra sessions jointly with other commissions. We had to approve several important ratifications, so they can be viewed before the vacation. We wanted in Wednesday (author’s note – yesterday) to present the half way report of the commission for the assimilation of the European resources in Bulgaria for the first six months, but due to the different dynamic of the parliamentary sessions we decided to postpone it for the beginning of September.

- What are the main conclusions from the report, which is due to be presented?

- It is still being prepared, but the highlights are, that we really should be proud as a country for that, that we managed to increase the tempo of assimilation of European funds during the last 12 months – for this period we account a serious increase, as well as on the part of negotiation, as well as on payment. If we compare with last year during this time the payments were just around 1%, while now they are 4.6%, and the resources on the JEREMIE initiative have increased up to 7%. So we have 7 times better assimilation of resources. During negotiations, if last year during this time we had 10%, now we have 34%. According to the LOTHAR system which is used for making financial predictions, connected with the tempo of assimilation of European funds until the end of 2010 it is possible to reach levels between 48 and 50% of the negotiated resources and around 11% of payments.

- Which of the programs can receive an “excellent” and which have unsatisfactory results?

- Forming an “excellent” mark for payments are Operative program “Competitiveness” for those 200 million euro, predicted by the JEREMIE initiative. This leads to an increase of payments of 317 times. The money have not, reached the final receivers, but it is a question of time, the important thing is that the government managed to undertake the necessary measures not to lose them. This is our proposal in the report – to speed up the processes, so that the money can reach the business. The second place is for the OP “Regional Development” with an increase of 6.58 times and third OP “Transport” with 46.6 times faster payment.
The last place is for OP “Technical Support”. We have a proposal for OP “Administrative Capacity” – to speed up the work on it, because there has been marked delay, because of the reorganization of the structure of its management. Another of our proposals is in the fulfillment of the separate programs to search for the highest degree of supplementation and generation of synergy effects.

- The program for the development of the agriculture regions is outside the seven operative programs, for which you gave a mark. What are your suggestions regarding this programme?

- As a whole it is moving with a good tempo, so regarding it we don’t have specific proposals.

- What is the mark as a whole that you would put on the process connected with the assimilation of resources from the European Union for the first half of the year?

- When we are comparing the tempo with previous years, I think, that the Bulgarian government is moving towards a six regarding the will, the clear vision, the urge for the creation of clear rules and speeding up the payments and the final results. There is still what to expect in regards of the resources reaching the final receivers, but only a year has passed. Seven times more payments is clearly a good start.

- What is not enough for the full six? What are your main suggestions for improving the work on the programs?

- To speed up the payments and to improve project preparation, despite that the second depends on the receivers, especially the municipalities. This, which I said – to strive for the effect of synergy between the separate programs, is good to be used especially during the time of crisis. The procedures must additionally be made easier. Ambitious task, but I believe achievable, the idea to create a law for the European resources. With it the control on the assimilation of resources, will be even bigger, and from another side the 20 normative acts, which we have in this sphere at the moment, can be united in it.

- Is work being done at the moment for a project for such a law?

- Not yet, but there is thought in that direction.

- During the fall there is a report of the European Commission due regarding the assimilation of European subsidies. Do you expect a six from it?

- I hope that there will be a six there or at least a regard to the political will and the progress in the tempo of the work of the separate programs. Not before long there was a report based on data by OLAF, according to which we receive excellent marks regarding misuse of European funds, but it is very important to have in mind, that he is based on data from 2009, in other words it states what has been done by the past government. The opposition misused the data from this report. It is on the base of what has been done before. On the base what has been now I hope, that there really will be a fair report, which should have a critic tone for that which we can still improve, but stating the improvement, which is visible even by the numbers for the increase of negotiations and payments.

- In the report there will be included a mark for the pre-accession programs. What are the findings there?

- A big part of the resources from the pre-accession programs were stopped. This, which we mark as positive is that there has been an improvement in the communications with Brussels. A priority regarding ISPA is the “Lulin” highway. During the actualization of the budget we voted an additional 62.6 million levs for 2010, because a priority is the building of the highways. The European Commission has expressed will for giving a postponement for the key projects on ISPA and in the sectors “Environment” and “Transport”.

- It is expected that during March 2011 Bulgaria will become part of Schengen space. Are we going to be able to keep the deadline and assimilate the resources, which we will receive for this target?

- Up to this moment there have been 148.6 million euro and 68.6 million euro paid. I expect that during the fall there will be the most realized agreements in this direction. It is very important that the government didn’t let to lose resources. We have really determined March as a deadline, but let’s not go for a determined month, let’s say that a priority is 2011, for the signing of the agreement, so that in 2012 it can take effect. Regarding Schengen the visit of Angela Merkel is very important and the message that she will give.

- What are your targets and priorities until the end of this calendar year?

- On first place – the presentation of the report in September. After that we need to begin preparing the year report, which needs to be presented during January – February 2011. Work needs to be started in the direction of applying the principle of subsidy, because after the Lisbon Treaty the role of the national parliaments is becoming especially responsible. Before the acts are really discussed in the European Parliament, they will pass the national parliaments and if we have remarks on a normative act, it needs to be made in the frame of eight weeks. The idea of subsidy is to make the politic of the European Union (EU) more accessible to the citizens, because it is supposed, that we as national parliaments are in much more direct contact with our citizens.
Another good topic, which we need to develop, is the so called civil initiative. So if 1 million citizens from the EU decide, now they can initiate an act. Now it is a question of discussion from how many countries to the citizens need to be.
I want there to be more talk about European questions. The focus so far is on the European funds and this is normal, but parallel we need to work in the direction of European questions.

Interview of Darina Cherkezova for “Pari” Newspaper

Who is Monika Panayotova:
► Monika Panayotova has a BA in International Relations and a MA in International Economic Relations with a specialization in “International Project Management” from the University of National and World Economy
►After her graduation to 2008, she was first a researcher and then director “Projects connected with Society” in the Economic Policy Institute.
Panayotova has experience in the preparation and realisation of international projects and reports on European questions, as well as a specialization in the sector of international relations.
At the moment she is Chairwoman of MGERB, Member of the Foreign Policy and Defense Committee and from two weeks Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds
► She speaks French and English

July 28, 2010

MGERB participated in the 34th Summer University of the European Democrat Students: "Living together in communities of diversity"


Between 19 to 27 July in the town of Zilina, Slovak Republic the Annual Meeting of the European Democrat Students(EDS) was held – the largest student political organization in the EU, associated member to the European People’s Party.
The event was attended by over 100 delegates from different European countries and also countries outside the EU. MGERB delegates were Kalin Zahariev, member of the NEC of MGERB, Pencho Malinov, regional coordinator of MGERB Plovdiv, Natalia Ivanova, MGERB Pleven and Ivailo Ivanov, MGERB Burgas.

The official opening was on 19th July, when participants met with the mayor of Zilina, Mr. Ivan Harman. The emphasis of his words was put on the unification of the right political space in order to overcome the deal with the distorted nationalism and to reach tolerance among ethnic groups. The topic is connected with the history of Zilina, and the city is famous for these processes.

The second day of the Summer University started with a business breakfast with Mr Peter Yungen, President of the Union of small and medium entrepreneurs. The topic of discussion was the fate of the euro in the context of the financial and economic crisis.

The rest of the day was spent in panel discussions and sessions of the permanent working groups of EDS. Discussion panels were: "Forthcoming elections in the U.S.", “Fight against political Islam ", "Tolerance in our everyday life”. For this purpose, the participants of their choice were involved in the ongoing parallel sessions.

Sessions of the permanent working groups of EDS were held after the conclusion of discussions. Permanent working groups were: Higher education, Policies for Europe and Human Rights. Each group had its own agenda, topics and documents for discussion, and these sessions took place at the same time.

On July 21, EDS held the 40th Annual Meeting of the organization. The most important part of the day was the election of a new Bureau of EDS, changes in constituent documents of the organization, adoption of a “Resolution of the diversity in society”. The annual report of the EDS was presented as well as the upcoming events for 2010-2011.

The fourth day of the Summer University started with a discussion attended by guest-speaker Mr. Pavol Kosey, adviser to the former Commissioner Jan Figel. The topic of the discussion was "Tolerance at European level” and it has been discussed lively because of the different viewpoints of the participants and the realities in the EU regarding ethnicities and religions.
After that there were two working sessions with topics concerning the elections for student representatives in the universities, organizing and conducting events, fundraising and management.

July 24 began with a meeting of the newly elected Bureau of EDS, where organizational issues and upcoming events were discussed. Along with this, nominations were made for co-chairmen of Working Groups. Most candidates had a great interest to the Working Group on Higher Education. As a result of the work of MGERB within ESD in higher education, student activities and projects, Kalin Zahariev was among the nominees. After the hearing of candidates there were elected co-presidents and among them was the representative of MGERB.

The second event was discussion. Guest lecturer for the day was representative of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association. He welcomed participants and presented the association's activities. After he finished his presentation, a series of questions and answers connected with the foreign policy of Slovakia and the region followed.

July 24, 2010

A member of the National Executive Council of MGERB in the leadership of EDS


Kalin Zahariev was appointed co-chair of the Higher Education & Research permanent work group of European Democrat Students (EDS). The appointment turned into a fact during the 34th Summer University of EDS.

The work group is a focus for suggestions, projects and activities in the sphere of higher education on European level. There are over 20 center-right youth political and student organisations from the European Union and other countries involved directly and indirectly in the work of the group.