Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov, Chairman of PP GERB, Radoslav Totchev, International secretary of PP GERB, Monika Panayotova – Chairwoman of MGERB and Hristo Gadzhev, international secretary of MGERB welcomed in the central office of the party five representatives of the Marshall Memorial Fellowship program Ms. Lesil McGuire, senator, Alaska, Mark Meder - vice-president of the Federal reserve, Cleveland who are on a visit in Bulgaria in order to get acquainted with the Bulgarian political and social situation.
The Marshall Memorial Fellowship program was established in 1982 by ‘German-Marshall Fund – USA’ Foundation with the aim to inform the new west European generation of leaders about USA, its institutions, politics and people. The program encourages development of the transatlantic relations as in the beginning it included mainly young political leaders and representatives of the media from Germany, Denmark, France and Netherlands. For the years the program has included more states and at the moment there are participants from Bulgaria, Check Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Spain.
In 1999 the German Marshall Fund introduced an American component of the program that aims to inform the new generation of American leaders about the European situation, transatlantic partnership and global challenges in front of the states from both sides of the ocean.
Among the subjects of the discussion were the political situation in Bulgaria, the place of PP GERB on the political scene at local and European level, the apathy of the young people about politics, the negative image of the country, based on the high levels of corruption and crime that reflected in the recently published articles of ‘Herald Tribune’ and ‘New York Times’. Mr. Tsvetanov emphasized on the ambition of PP GERB to be a distinct alternative of the current situation in the country, an alternative that could be impossible without the support of our Atlantic and European partners.
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