This declared the leader of GERB Mr. Boyko Borisov in MGERBs presence, who were on training in Brussels at the invitation of the bulgarian deputies from GERB/EPP-ED group at the European Parliament – Nikolay Mladenov and Vladimir Urutchev. In spite of his full programme, on the occasion of EPP summit meeting, Mr. Borisov visited the young people from GERB at the time of their training. He told them about his meetings with the leaders of the european „Right“ during the day and about the problems they had discussed. „There are preparations for the world financial crisis everywhere in Europe, only our Government explains us that there will be no problem. It's like everybody building up reserves for the winter and only Stanishev explaining that the summer is coming“, commented Borisov. „Take every single opportunity to prepare yourself, because GERB will need you and your energy. Don't forget that you have to be ready for a very hard battle with the ruling, because it's a matter of life and dead for them, because they know that when we come to rule we'll expose all of their shady affairs“ he also told the young people.
Before that, at the first day of their visit, the young people of GERB visited the building of the European Parliament, where they were welcomed by Mr. Nikolay Mladenov. There they met with the chairwoman of GERB group in EPP-ED Mrs. Rumiana Zheleva, who expounded the way of work and the interactions inside the group of EPP-ED. She explained the young people in details the methods of elaborations of positions and decisions of the biggest group in the European Parliament, as well as the coordination with the other structures and representatives of EPP in Europe. They also attended the plenary session of small and medium business in Europe, conducting at this very time.
The young people had also several meetings with Vladimir Urutchev and Nikolay Mladenov, on which were discussed different topics such as energetics, consumer rights protection and many others. Meetings with representatives from the permanent delegation of Bulgaria in EU, from the Directorate – General for ‘Consumer rights’, as well as visit of the European Consumer Centre – Belgium are coming.
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