20/09/11Vladimir Stanev – coordinator of Youth GERB Kostinbrod and member of the executive council of MGERB – Sofia region participated in international training, organized by the International Republican Institute(IRI) on topic: ‘Local and regional policies’, held in Novi Sad, Serbia. The seminar was attended by 20 young people from 11 european countries. Lecturers who take part in the training were experienced in running and winning campaigns for local elections and conducting a proper local policy.

Main topics were: “All policies are local”; “Organizing a successful campaign for local elections: strategies and planning”; “Transparency and involvement of local citizens in decision-making process in the management of a municipality”; “WEB 2.0 – Social media changing the way we make elections”; “How to win elections by e-campaign with small budget?”
During the lectures there were discussed local policies and practices in conducting campaigns for local and national elections. There were expressed different points in making elections in Slovakia, Romania, Serbia, France, USA.

One of the most interesting information was about the success reached in the city of Martin, Slovakia where after the introduction of transparent public procurement procedures through appropriate software, there could be observed online by every citizen how to conduct each auction and what price was achieved. For the period in which this method was used, there were saved huge amounts, which the municipality focused on new projects. This transparency guaranteed the winning of a second term in the local elections in 2010.
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