On the payments in absolute value the best moving are OP “Competitiveness”, OP “Regional Development” and OP “Transport”
Monika Panayotova is the Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds.
She has a BA in “International Relations” from the University of National and World Economy and has a MA in “International Economic Relations”, with a specialization in “International Project Management”. She was the director of “Projects connected with Society”, in the Economical Policy Institute - Sofia until 2008
Monika Panayotova is a majoritarian member of parliament from GERB, elected during the parliamentary elections in 2009. We are discussing with her the processes and results in the assimilation of resources on of the operative programs and the possibilities of juridical changes in this sphere.
- Miss Panayotova how do you look on the initiative of the minister in charge of the European funds Tomislav Donchev to have the documents for candidacy for the public procurements to become standard until the end of the year?
Definitely I welcome the initiative of Mr. Donchev, as much as I am familiarised, the idea doesn’t target only the operative programs, which are being financed by the European Union (EU), but by default… Standardization leads a defined type of behavior and gives clear rules for all interested parties – as well as candidacy, as well as for the giving and controlling organs. This respectively makes the processes much clear, more transparent and not decided in advance.
- To this moment which operative programs are negotiated and on which – has been given out the highest amount of European resources and from the other side on which has been given – the lowest.
It is important to highlight that by facts of the Information System for Management and Monitoring (ISMM) of the EU, with which we are thriving for greater transparency and publicity, if until July 2009 we have negotiated 10%, today until July 2010 we have over 43% of the resources.
Regarding payments until July 2009 they are 0.67%, today they are 4.6%. Until the end of 2010 it is possible to achieve 50% negotiated and over 11% paid resources.
Here see, according to the certifying organ the National Fund in the Ministry of Finance, you can follow that regarding payments in absolute value until this moment the best going are OP “Competitiveness”, OP “Regional Development” and OP “Transport”.
For the seven operative programs, we have a total of 7% assimilation, which is 7 times more then last year. This according to me should be remarked as a considerable progress as the result of the work of the government of GERB.
Regarding the negotiation of the European resources, receiving excellent marks are OP “Regional Development:, OP “Transport” and OP “Human Resources Development”. With the lowest percentage of payment and negotiation is OP “Technical Assistance”.
- Is there a way according to you to make candidacy for programs easier for business in judicial way? Do you have impressions if the necessary documents and verifications for candidacy at home are more then at the other countries of the EU?
We all acknowledge the need for simplifying and making easier the procedures and respectively the amount of documentation. At the moment the team of Mr. Donchev actively works in this direction, as there are already accepted decrees and decisions of the Council of Ministers, with which the base rules have been changed in the direction for them to be easier for the final receivers. In the moment there are around 20 law acts
I think that the biggest challenge with us and Minister Donchev is the preparation of a Law for the European funds, which will mean the regulation of stronger control functions.
- Do you think, that judicially the chance for conflict of interests is completely evaded, regarding candidacy for the operative programs, when regarding candidacies of firms and commissions marking the projects?
The European money at home is additionally protected, as they are an object of many additional examinations, as well as national and as well from the European structures.
It is more like our task is to have the strict standards, which the European resources have to the rest of the public resources, those of the government and municipal budgets.
- Is there progress on the proposal of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to the European Commission, part of the resources of OP’s which have the possibility to not be assimilated by 2013, to be redirected to OP “Regional Development”, with the target of repairing roads of European importance?
I am not familiar with such a proposal, or in the way that your question is formed. There is an idea for changing some projects of OP “Transport” with others, but not for changing of money between the programs.
- Minister Donchev stated shortly, that really soon the payments on the operative programs will reach a total of 1 milliard euro. Has this yet happened and for absolute value, which OP has the largest payments? How are things standing on the Rural Development Programme?
The stated by Mr. Donchev is now fact, now are at a level of 1.1 milliard euro assimilation. On absolute value the leader is OP “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy”, with its paid over 216.9 million euro.
Regarding the Rural Development Programme, according to official data till July 19th 2010 there are over 517.66 million euro paid, 15.7% of the total budget of the program.
- Which are the first projects for laws that the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds will look at in September and personally do you yet have any intentions to suggest changes in some laws?
Before the parliamentary commission goes on vacation during August the report of our commission on the assimilation of the EU resources for the first six months is due.
At this point our commission has a wide range. Other then the main priorities, on which I think we need to focus, precisely funding and the Lisbon Treaty from one side and the control of the assimilation of the European resources on the other side, we have a lot of projects for laws, connected with the formulation of regulations and directives, which regard our jurisdiction.
In this direction forthcoming in September is the viewing of the projects for laws – Law for credit institutions and Law for foreigners. Mutual challenge, as I already mentioned with the team of Mr. Donchev is the preparation of a law.
Interview made by Maia Tsvetkova Investitor.bg
On the payments in absolute value the best moving are OP “Competitiveness”, OP “Regional Development” and OP “Transport”
Monika Panayotova is the Chairperson of the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds.
She has a BA in “International Relations” from the University of National and World Economy and has a MA in “International Economic Relations”, with a specialization in “International Project Management”. She was the director of “Projects connected with Society”, in the Economical Policy Institute - Sofia until 2008
Monika Panayotova is a majoritarian member of parliament from GERB, elected during the parliamentary elections in 2009. We are discussing with her the processes and results in the assimilation of resources on of the operative programs and the possibilities of juridical changes in this sphere.
- Miss Panayotova how do you look on the initiative of the minister in charge of the European funds Tomislav Donchev to have the documents for candidacy for the public procurements to become standard until the end of the year?
Definitely I welcome the initiative of Mr. Donchev, as much as I am familiarised, the idea doesn’t target only the operative programs, which are being financed by the European Union (EU), but by default… Standardization leads a defined type of behavior and gives clear rules for all interested parties – as well as candidacy, as well as for the giving and controlling organs. This respectively makes the processes much clear, more transparent and not decided in advance.
- To this moment which operative programs are negotiated and on which – has been given out the highest amount of European resources and from the other side on which has been given – the lowest.
It is important to highlight that by facts of the Information System for Management and Monitoring (ISMM) of the EU, with which we are thriving for greater transparency and publicity, if until July 2009 we have negotiated 10%, today until July 2010 we have over 43% of the resources.
Regarding payments until July 2009 they are 0.67%, today they are 4.6%. Until the end of 2010 it is possible to achieve 50% negotiated and over 11% paid resources.
Here see, according to the certifying organ the National Fund in the Ministry of Finance, you can follow that regarding payments in absolute value until this moment the best going are OP “Competitiveness”, OP “Regional Development” and OP “Transport”.
For the seven operative programs, we have a total of 7% assimilation, which is 7 times more then last year. This according to me should be remarked as a considerable progress as the result of the work of the government of GERB.
Regarding the negotiation of the European resources, receiving excellent marks are OP “Regional Development:, OP “Transport” and OP “Human Resources Development”. With the lowest percentage of payment and negotiation is OP “Technical Assistance”.
- Is there a way according to you to make candidacy for programs easier for business in judicial way? Do you have impressions if the necessary documents and verifications for candidacy at home are more then at the other countries of the EU?
We all acknowledge the need for simplifying and making easier the procedures and respectively the amount of documentation. At the moment the team of Mr. Donchev actively works in this direction, as there are already accepted decrees and decisions of the Council of Ministers, with which the base rules have been changed in the direction for them to be easier for the final receivers. In the moment there are around 20 law acts
I think that the biggest challenge with us and Minister Donchev is the preparation of a Law for the European funds, which will mean the regulation of stronger control functions.
- Do you think, that judicially the chance for conflict of interests is completely evaded, regarding candidacy for the operative programs, when regarding candidacies of firms and commissions marking the projects?
The European money at home is additionally protected, as they are an object of many additional examinations, as well as national and as well from the European structures.
It is more like our task is to have the strict standards, which the European resources have to the rest of the public resources, those of the government and municipal budgets.
- Is there progress on the proposal of the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works to the European Commission, part of the resources of OP’s which have the possibility to not be assimilated by 2013, to be redirected to OP “Regional Development”, with the target of repairing roads of European importance?
I am not familiar with such a proposal, or in the way that your question is formed. There is an idea for changing some projects of OP “Transport” with others, but not for changing of money between the programs.
- Minister Donchev stated shortly, that really soon the payments on the operative programs will reach a total of 1 milliard euro. Has this yet happened and for absolute value, which OP has the largest payments? How are things standing on the Rural Development Programme?
The stated by Mr. Donchev is now fact, now are at a level of 1.1 milliard euro assimilation. On absolute value the leader is OP “Development of the competitiveness of the Bulgarian economy”, with its paid over 216.9 million euro.
Regarding the Rural Development Programme, according to official data till July 19th 2010 there are over 517.66 million euro paid, 15.7% of the total budget of the program.
- Which are the first projects for laws that the Committee on European Affairs and Oversight of the European Funds will look at in September and personally do you yet have any intentions to suggest changes in some laws?
Before the parliamentary commission goes on vacation during August the report of our commission on the assimilation of the EU resources for the first six months is due.
At this point our commission has a wide range. Other then the main priorities, on which I think we need to focus, precisely funding and the Lisbon Treaty from one side and the control of the assimilation of the European resources on the other side, we have a lot of projects for laws, connected with the formulation of regulations and directives, which regard our jurisdiction.
In this direction forthcoming in September is the viewing of the projects for laws – Law for credit institutions and Law for foreigners. Mutual challenge, as I already mentioned with the team of Mr. Donchev is the preparation of a law.
Interview made by Maia Tsvetkova Investitor.bg
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