Between 26th February and 1st March in Plovdiv the second module of the Second Political Academy, organized by foundation “Konrad Adenauer” and political party GERB was organized. The training started on 27.02.2009, Friday at 9:00 AM in park-hotel “Imperial”. Greetings to the participants were made by MGERB’s chairwoman Monika Panayotova, the manager of foundation “Konrad Adenauer” ‘s office in Sofia Andrea von Below and Dr. Gotfrid Linn from Germany, who was one of the lecturers of the Academy. In the prestigious event, whose host is the chairman of PP GERB in Plovdiv - Ivan Totev more than 50 youths from the whole country participate. They have passed several selection stages: CVs, motivational letters and personality tests, as well as personal communication with experts- psychologists. The training consists of 5 modules and will last two months. During this period, the young people will go through training in political rhetoric, political behavior, public speech, political specters, communication and others. In the current module the participants were trained in political culture, where lecturer was Radoslav Tochev, international secretary of PP GERB and in rhetoric, where lecturers were Dr. Gotfrid Linn, who specially arrived from Germany and Trendafil Meretev of association “Debates”.
Greetings for 1st March and wished of health and welfare addressed to the citizens of Plovdiv by MGERB Plovdiv and the perticipants in the Academy. In the sunny day they gave away martenitsi to passersby – the symbol of the forthcoming spring and new beginning. The citizens and guests of Plovdiv were impressed by the serial MGERB’s

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