The president of PP GERB took part in a public discussion “Young people and politics”, organized by New Bulgarian University. Other lectors were Monika Panayotova - chairwoman of MGERB and Ioannis Smyrlis - president of the youth organization of European People’s Party (YEPP).
Tsvetan Tsvetanov introduced GERB’s policy towards young people and the ways for them to participate in the party. GERB is a party, which strongly relies on young people. Examples for this are the second political academy, which will take place in Plovdiv, many training and educations sessions provided for members and allowing them to participate in decision making. Proof for this that there are youths in all expert groups of the party, Tsvetanov shared. Anyone who works hard has their chance for success in GERB, added Tsvetanov.
Monika Panayotova emphasized the ways of overcoming apathy among young people by putting accent on policies, values and inner democracy, which exist in PP GERB.
The event had its international guest – Ioannis Smyrlis, president of YEPP and member of ONNED (youth organization of New Democracy - Greece) presented his experience as a Greek youth and how Greek youth political organizations co-operate with each other on European level.
The event in the ceremonial hall provoked great interest among students, who filled the hall and freely asked even uncomfortable questions. Mr. Tsvetanov answered all questions and expressed his readiness to participate in further similar meetings.
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