24/01/09 MGERB was welcomed in YEPP's family. That happened during the meeting of organizations – members, that was held between 22.01.2009 – 25.01.2009 in the capital of Greece, Athens. In the meeting MGERB was presented by the chairwoman Monika Panayotova and the international secretary of MGERB – Hristo Hadzhiev. They introduced to their colleagues from all Europe the activities and the organization of the youth of GERB. " We've been sustaining communications and have been observing the MGERB activities for more than an year. That's why I visited the organization in Sofia on the 13th and the 14th of January and I came round to the opinion that MGERB really and truly shares our ideas and values and does great work in Bulgaria, spreading the right values for progress of the civil society. With regard to this I submitted to the executive committee of YEPP and they accepted unanimously to take MGERB as a part of our family", the chairman of YEPP Ioannis Smyrlis shared.
Over 48 centre-right youth organizations from 35 countries in Europe are members of YEPP. It's established in 1997 and it grows to the biggest youth political organization in Europe.
24/01/09 The chairwoman of MGERB – Monika Panayotova and the international secretary of MGERB – Hristo Gadzhev participate in international conference on the topic: European elections 2009: ‘Europe: to build better future for everybody’, hosted by the ONNED (youth organization of New Democracy, Greece). Representatives of more than 40 youth organizations from Europe gather in Athens from 22 to 25 January in order to discuss the challenges facing centre-right policy and also youth initiatives that inspire young Europeans to take active role in building a common Europe.
Special guests of the conference, who will share their vision and experience, are Mr. Konstantinos Karamanlis – prime minister of Greece, Mrs. Dora Bakoyani – foreign minister, Mr. Nikita Kaklamanis – mayor of Athens, Mrs. Fani Petralia – minister of employment and social affaires, Mr. Meimarakis – minister of defense as well as Mr. Elefteros Zagoritis – secretary general of New Democracy.
Other issues that will be discussed are priorities of centre-right parties, youth policies and European elections 2009.
20/01/09 On January the 16th and 17th 2009 in the city of Plovdiv in „Imperial“ hotel, a second level of selection amongst all the candidates from MGERB for the second edition of Political Academy under PP GERB took place. The event was carried out with the kind support of Ivan Totev – regional coordinator of GERB – Plovdid and the professional help of professor Rumen Stamatov, vice-dean of PU „Paisii Hilendarski“ and dr. Iyulia Nikolova.
Within an hour the young people filled in some specialy designed psychological tests and then wrote an essay on the topic „The role of PP GERB in a crisis situation“. Following a short break they were divided into two groups for a debate on the topic „Pro and Con the coalition making“. The purpose of the task was to judje the skill of the youth to present arguments and counter-arguments on a topic. The exam ended with individual conversations with the candidates about their personality test.
Rapted in the common euphoria the hosts from MGERB Plovdiv and the representatives of NIS (National Executive Council) MGERB – Kalin Zahariev, Stefka Ikonomova, Hristo Gadzhev and Zhivko Todorov filled in personality tests too. They were also actively observing the motivation of the candidates.
The chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova encouraged the participants by telling them how much potential everyone had and was going to receive a second chance on the forthcoming events.
The MGERB leaders expressed their gratitude towards the team of psychologists including dr. Julia Nikolova and professor Rumen Stamatov for their irreplaceable help.
16/01/09 He received a warm reception in the head office of PP GERB from Tsvetan Tsvetanov- the chairman of GERB - Monika Panayotova- chairwoman of MGERB - and Radoslav Tochev -international correspondent for PP GERB.
His visit started with business breakfast with representatives of The National Executive Counsel of MGERB in which he was introduced to the report with "the work done" by MGERB to this moment.This was necessary beacause of the near disscusion about the very promissing application for membership by MGERB into the Youth Organization of YEPP.After that event he accepted an invitaion from the New Bulgarian Univercity and with Tsvetan Tsvetanov and Monika Panayotova took participation in a discussion about the youth and the politics.Problems like the young people's apathy, the values, the international youth colaboration and the policy of PP GERB concernig young people. The event was organized by associate professor Antonii Gulubov, professor Anna Krusteva, Irena Todorova chairman of club "Francophone" and Borislav Borisov student in politology.
After the discussion, meeting took place with representatives of MGERB from Sofia, Plovdiv , Blagoevgrad and Stara Zagora in which everybody got the chance to say his motives in joining PP GERB and the youth structures in their local homeplace.From his side, Ioannis Smyrlis answered many hard but interresting questions and made excellent impression to everybody who took part in the event.
During the meeting Ioannis Smyrlis expressed his joy about the productive activity of MGERB and the very huge work accomplished in a very little time.He was impressed also with the professionalism of MGERB's members and was happy to know that we share and execute same values.
At the 25 of January in Athens the application for membership of MGERB in YEPP will be considered.
The president of PP GERB took part in a public discussion “Young people and politics”, organized by New Bulgarian University. Other lectors were Monika Panayotova - chairwoman of MGERB and Ioannis Smyrlis - president of the youth organization of European People’s Party (YEPP).
Tsvetan Tsvetanov introduced GERB’s policy towards young people and the ways for them to participate in the party. GERB is a party, which strongly relies on young people. Examples for this are the second political academy, which will take place in Plovdiv, many training and educations sessions provided for members and allowing them to participate in decision making. Proof for this that there are youths in all expert groups of the party, Tsvetanov shared. Anyone who works hard has their chance for success in GERB, added Tsvetanov.
Monika Panayotova emphasized the ways of overcoming apathy among young people by putting accent on policies, values and inner democracy, which exist in PP GERB.
The event had its international guest – Ioannis Smyrlis, president of YEPP and member of ONNED (youth organization of New Democracy - Greece) presented his experience as a Greek youth and how Greek youth political organizations co-operate with each other on European level.
The event in the ceremonial hall provoked great interest among students, who filled the hall and freely asked even uncomfortable questions. Mr. Tsvetanov answered all questions and expressed his readiness to participate in further similar meetings.
The chairman of GERB Mr. Tsvetan Tsvetanov announced that the second youth academy will take place in Plovdiv. He explained that the financing of the prestigious event has been agreed after talks with representatives of the ‘Konrad Adenauer’ foundation. Mr. Tsvetanov included that the second youth academy will be hosted by the regional leader of GERB Mr. Ivan Totev. Mr. Totev has greatly contributed for the decision that Plovdiv will be the next host. The education will consist of five modules and will last for two months. The education of 50 people for the five modules should finish by the 15th of March. On the 17th and 18th of January a discussion with 60 people from all over the country will take place – two groups of 30 in each day. Among them will be selected 50 people that will pass the education in five modules – political rhetoric, political behavior, basic centre-right values and various public relations, communication and media skills. Two of the young people that are in the leadership of MGERB Plovdiv – Rozalia Mitseva and Radoslav Ivanov, as well as Stefka Ikonomova, have already passed through the first education in Sofia. ‘I am glad that Plovdiv will be the second city to host this joint initiative for the improvement and selection of a serious administrative capacity among the youth, because they are the future potential of our country’, said the leader of PP GERB.
The Youth organisation of PP GERB launched its activity in April 2006. The main goal was to support and help Association GERB, to develop and promote civil society in the contex of the European integration of Bulgaria and its prosperity.
Following the successful membership of Political party GERB in the large family of the European People's Party, the moment for the official founding of the Youth of GERB came in 2008.
Everyone who wants to become our member can visit the website of PP GERB on www.gerb.bg and download documents that are required for membership. They are situated in the ‘Become our member’ section.
The application has to be submitted to the relevant district club of GERB, according to the permanent or present address (the address of the clubs can be also seen on the website of GERB).