Dimitar Karpachev - district coordinator for MGERB- Pazardjik and Dobroslav Dimitrov - organizational secretary of MGERB- Entrepreneurs participated in an international training in the field of: Campaign management for center-right parties from central and south-eastern Europe, organized by International Republican Institute (IRI) and with the financial support by the National fund of democracy and the American agency for international development. The event took place in Bucharest, Romania from 12 to 15 December 2008. 18 young activists from center-right parties from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, FYROM, Czech republic, Serbia and Slovenia took part in it.
Prominent specialist in the sphere of political management like Jamie Fisfiss –president of Chariot- an organization which deals with research and development of the activity of world political leaders, heads of states, ministers and diplomats; Anna Matushkova- lector in the faculty of social sciences in Massarick University (Brno); Patrick Eagan- director of central and eastern Europe of international Republican Institute were some the lecturers.
The main topics discussed by the young representatives of the right-center political parties from the 9 former communist countries were: How to organize an election campaign- strategy and plan, SWOT analysis of the candidate, contact with voters, the role of public opinion in an political campaign, how to create a slogan of the campaign and communications with electors- right content and tone; using negative campaign and fighting back against one.
“We attended and unique training in which we were introduced to the rules and fine techniques of election campaigns” young GERB activists shared.
“From the worked analysis of the last president campaign in the USA and the last parliamentary campaign in Romania we realized how important it is to know the details of campaign management as well as guiding voters’ energy in the right direction” added GERB activists, determined to put in practice what they had learned as soon as possible.
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