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Dimitar Karpachev - district coordinator for MGERB- Pazardjik and Dobroslav Dimitrov - organizational secretary of MGERB- Entrepreneurs participated in an international training in the field of: Campaign management for center-right parties from central and south-eastern Europe, organized by International Republican Institute (IRI) and with the financial support by the National fund of democracy and the American agency for international development. The event took place in Bucharest, Romania from 12 to 15 December 2008. 18 young activists from center-right parties from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, FYROM, Czech republic, Serbia and Slovenia took part in it.
Prominent specialist in the sphere of political management like Jamie Fisfiss –president of Chariot- an organization which deals with research and development of the activity of world political leaders, heads of states, ministers and diplomats; Anna Matushkova- lector in the faculty of social sciences in Massarick University (Brno); Patrick Eagan- director of central and eastern Europe of international Republican Institute were some the lecturers.
The main topics discussed by the young representatives of the right-center political parties from the 9 former communist countries were: How to organize an election campaign- strategy and plan, SWOT analysis of the candidate, contact with voters, the role of public opinion in an political campaign, how to create a slogan of the campaign and communications with electors- right content and tone; using negative campaign and fighting back against one.
“We attended and unique training in which we were introduced to the rules and fine techniques of election campaigns” young GERB activists shared.
“From the worked analysis of the last president campaign in the USA and the last parliamentary campaign in Romania we realized how important it is to know the details of campaign management as well as guiding voters’ energy in the right direction” added GERB activists, determined to put in practice what they had learned as soon as possible.
MGERB Sofia took part in the Christmas bowling tournament, organized by the youth organization of political movement “SocialDemocrates” on 14th December 2008. 18 teams of political parties’ youth organizations (MDPS, LMA, BSM and others), non-government organizations and media participated.
MGERB Sofia, who were second last year, now took fourth position in the general ranking and second among political parties. BSM were the winners, but they played unfairly, just as they do in elections. One of their players, who was quite good in the game, turned out not to be a member of their organization. Second and third positions were for NGOs “ARGO” and “Institute for conflict resolution” respectively.
MGERB Sofia won another award except the fourth place - the prize for best player went to Mitya Atanassov, who scored the most points among more than 90 players.
GERB’s youth organization - MGERB took part in the Balkan forum “Balkans: together on our way to our mutual European future”, which took place in Varna from 11 to 13 December. The image of Balkans without borders was presented to other youth organizations, members of the European People’s Party (EPP).
Two suggestions were given during the youth panel, whose moderators were Monika Panayotova - chairwoman of MGERB, Kalin Zahariev - member of National Executive Counsel (NEC) of MGERB, Pavel Hristov - district coordinator for MGERB Varna and Pavel Anastasov - member of MGERB Sofia.
The first one was to create a youth exchange program, whose target group will be young people (below the age of 31), who are members of Balkan parties from the EPP. The idea is representers of these parties to visit their neighbor countries and then meet again in Sofia in December 2009 for a Winter University. The aim is young people to get to know each other’s culture, values and opinions and to look at them from the perspective of their integration in the large European family, putting accent on what bring us closer, rather than what puts us apart.
The second suggestion was to create a “Right Balkan youth network”- internet portal, which will give information about the countries in the region, their history and culture. It will also be a place where young people can find details about their organizations’ activities, gather ideas and best practices from their colleagues from other countries.
Both suggestions were well accepted, which further motivated participants to give more ideas. Thus, completely spontaneously Dr. Milen Vrabevski - member of the commission for foreign affairs of GERB and member of NEC of Entrepreneurs GERB offered to support the execution of the annual meeting of young people from the Balkans under the aegis of Boyko Borisov in 2009 on the matter of: “My future in united Europe”. Mr. Nickolay Mladenov , Member of European parliament (MEP) offered to co-organize with MGERB and Mrs. Vessela Cherneva - member of the European Counsel of foreign affairs and program manager of the Center for liberal strategies, scholarship/ internship for two students in the field of European integration and foreign affairs.
Delegation of 50 regional coordinators of PP GERB and MGERB from the whole country together with the chairman of the party Tsvetan Tsvetanov was on a visit in the European parliament in Brussels. The working visit in the European parliament was organized by the invitation of the members of the EP from PP GERB Rumyana Jeleva and Vladimir Urutchev. The delegation from GERB met the Secretary General of the EPP-ED group – Martin Kamp who informed them about the work of the parliament and the EPP-ED group. Mr. Kamp presented the main priorities of the Political manifesto of the parties of EPP.
The manifesto will be conclusively approved at the party congress in Warsaw in the beginning of the next year. Martin Kamp emphasized that the planned session of the Bureau of EPP-ED in the beginning of the next year in Sofia is a high evaluation for the successive policy of GERB and for the work of members of the EP from the party.
The chairman of PP GERB, the regional coordinators of the party and of the youth structures had a talk with the secretary general of EPP Antonio Lopes. At the meeting Lopes pointed out that GERB was no longer unknown party in the European right family and had won its place as a respected member with the last two elections, being a leading party. ‘The leader of the party Boyko Borisov is part of the decision making process at the highest level in Europe’, Lopes emphasized as he referred to Mr. Borisov participation in the summit meetings of EPP that take place before each session of the Council of the EU and where the position of the European right-wing on the agenda of the Council is discussed.
‘Your support is extremely important for Bulgaria and GERB’, the Chairman of GERB Tsvetan Tsvetanov said at the meeting with both European politicians. He paid special attention on the opportunity that the European rights are a guarantee for conducting fair European and general elections in Bulgaria, in order that eventual speculations and trade of votes be escaped.
‘For 12 years the European right-wing has had the largest parliamentary group in the EP and we hope that by the support of GERB this will continue forward’ Kamp and Lopes pointed out at their meetings with the regional coordinators of PP GERB and MGERB. It was paid attention to the youth initiatives, which according to the European politicians were inspired by the charm and spirit of the young people and at the same time were a serious corrective of the government.
The meetings of the PP GERB delegation went on with the presence at the session of the Committee on Regional development, at which Rumiana Jeleva presented position about the Mid-term review of the 2007-2013 financial framework of the European Union; Mrs. Jeleva was a draftswoman about the subject.
On Saturday 29.11.2008 MGERB held a national referendum to estimate the work of the ministers from the government of the three-party coalition.
In the beginning of the new political season the youth from GERB distributed school reports to the ministers in front of the Council of ministers as a part of the ‘Democratic exams for the Bulgarian government’ campaign. Now there were special inquiry forms where the citizens could have given their mark on how according to them the ministers worked. The subjects on which they were estimated were Corruption, Arbitrariness, Hypocrisy, Abuse of authority, Transparency, Responsibility, Fairness and Succession.
The reason for he young people to continue the initiative is the concluding decision of the European commission to deprive Bulgaria from 220 million euros on the adhesive PHARE program. According to the young politicians this is the way for the citizens to be heard. Their marks from the initiative were being collected during a week.
The MGERB campaign ‘Democratic exams for the Bulgarian government’ will continue till the conducting of the special or regular general elections. Then the marks of the people will be generalized and entered in a ‘diary’, which will be handed to Sergei Stanishev in the end of his mandate as a prime minister of the country.