International conference of European Democrat Student and MGERB in Bulgaria
During 11-15 June 2008 with the kind assistance of Konrad Adenauer Foundation – Sofia was held a four-day international conference of the Youth organization of PP GERB (MGERB) and the biggest student organization in Europe, the so called European Democrat Students (EDS).
The subject of the event, that took place in Plovdiv (11-14 June) and in Sofia (14-15 June) was: Right policy – one year after the accession of Bulgaria in EU and before the European Elections 2009. It was connected with the so called ‘Policy days’/ ‘Study trip’ of the European Student Democrat and had the aim to:
* at one side to get the participants acquainted with the challenges in front of the new right policy in Bulgaria, as well as to emphasize on the active participation that our country in the presence of MGERB could take in the student field on the Balkans.
* at the other side to get the participants (40 representatives of different European countries) acquainted with the challenges facing right policy from both sides of the Atlantic one year before the elections for European parliament.
After a short welcoming speech from the Chairwoman of EDS – Ana Janine, the Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the International secretary of PP GERB – Radoslav Tochev addressed to the guests from Germany, Austria, Portugal, France, Hungary, Poland, Cyprus, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, the program started with description of the challenges facing new right policy in Bulgaria. Rumyana Bachvarova, executive director of sociological agency ‘Market links’ pointed out that the main crisis, existing in Bulgaria, is the fact that we had many right voters and few effective parties, low electoral support, organizational weakness and lack of clear right cause. With regard to this she specified that at the moment only PP GERB was an exception and had right political program and 60% support of the right voters. After describing the challenges in front of the right-wing in Bulgaria and namely:
* lack of ideas
* necessity of new right youth policy
* necessity for the contemporary right policy to be oriented to the human resources
* building and restoring the political traditions of the right-wing
* creation of branch policy
* formulation of political theory
* applying much more policy, that is ‘right’
Mrs. Bachavarova concluded that the success of the Bulgarian right would be also success for the European right.
In order to inform the EDS about the Youth organization of PP GERB was made a presentation of MGERB, from its beginning, establishment till now.
In response to the above mentioned challenges the Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the International secretary Radoslav Tochev suggested to their colleagues from EDS setting up a Balkan European student net by presenting the idea of forming the so called ‘Balkan Erasmus’. The project aims by education and intercultural dialogue to start a process for overcoming the negative stereotypes and convictions, created by years between Balkan peoples. By the accent that Balkan peoples have more common that unite than divide the MGERB proposal consists of making two-week visits of 100 students with full scholarship in universities from the region. It was accepted by the representatives of EDS with clearly expressed desire for the idea to develop and be enlarged.
On the next day the participants had the opportunity to become acquainted with interactive analysis of the ‘American elections in the aspect of the coming European elections, as well as the ways of promoting right values’, made by Patrick Egan, Director of the International Republican Institute for Central and East Europe.
At the same time the program included presentation of our country, its treasures and cultural variety, counting the fact that 2008 was announced by the EU as a year of intercultural dialogue.
Arriving in Sofia the participants were welcomed in the Assembly hall of the Sofia City Council by Malina Edreva – chairwoman of the councilors group from PP GERB and Irina Yordanova - Chirwoman of the Commission for European integration in SCC. The European Democrat students had the opportunity to receive interesting answers and comments by the councillors and district mayors from GERB about local and European issues.
During the formal supper, by which the international conference ended, the leader of GERB and Mayor of Sofia Boyko Borisov greeted the young people.
As a result MGERB received the opportunity to apply for membership in EDS as soon as the conference was over, in order that the application be considered in July 2008 during the Summer university of the European Democrat Students in Malta.
The positive reports, addressed to the organizers, created basis for future common initiatives and cooperation with the participants, at the position of representatives of EDS, as well as those of their national youth organizations.
The conference was widely reflected in the local and national media.

The subject of the event, that took place in Plovdiv (11-14 June) and in Sofia (14-15 June) was: Right policy – one year after the accession of Bulgaria in EU and before the European Elections 2009. It was connected with the so called ‘Policy days’/ ‘Study trip’ of the European Student Democrat and had the aim to:
* at one side to get the participants acquainted with the challenges in front of the new right policy in Bulgaria, as well as to emphasize on the active participation that our country in the presence of MGERB could take in the student field on the Balkans.
* at the other side to get the participants (40 representatives of different European countries) acquainted with the challenges facing right policy from both sides of the Atlantic one year before the elections for European parliament.
After a short welcoming speech from the Chairwoman of EDS – Ana Janine, the Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the International secretary of PP GERB – Radoslav Tochev addressed to the guests from Germany, Austria, Portugal, France, Hungary, Poland, Cyprus, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Ukraine, the program started with description of the challenges facing new right policy in Bulgaria. Rumyana Bachvarova, executive director of sociological agency ‘Market links’ pointed out that the main crisis, existing in Bulgaria, is the fact that we had many right voters and few effective parties, low electoral support, organizational weakness and lack of clear right cause. With regard to this she specified that at the moment only PP GERB was an exception and had right political program and 60% support of the right voters. After describing the challenges in front of the right-wing in Bulgaria and namely:
* lack of ideas
* necessity of new right youth policy
* necessity for the contemporary right policy to be oriented to the human resources
* building and restoring the political traditions of the right-wing
* creation of branch policy
* formulation of political theory
* applying much more policy, that is ‘right’
Mrs. Bachavarova concluded that the success of the Bulgarian right would be also success for the European right.
In order to inform the EDS about the Youth organization of PP GERB was made a presentation of MGERB, from its beginning, establishment till now.
In response to the above mentioned challenges the Chairwoman of MGERB Monika Panayotova and the International secretary Radoslav Tochev suggested to their colleagues from EDS setting up a Balkan European student net by presenting the idea of forming the so called ‘Balkan Erasmus’. The project aims by education and intercultural dialogue to start a process for overcoming the negative stereotypes and convictions, created by years between Balkan peoples. By the accent that Balkan peoples have more common that unite than divide the MGERB proposal consists of making two-week visits of 100 students with full scholarship in universities from the region. It was accepted by the representatives of EDS with clearly expressed desire for the idea to develop and be enlarged.
On the next day the participants had the opportunity to become acquainted with interactive analysis of the ‘American elections in the aspect of the coming European elections, as well as the ways of promoting right values’, made by Patrick Egan, Director of the International Republican Institute for Central and East Europe.
At the same time the program included presentation of our country, its treasures and cultural variety, counting the fact that 2008 was announced by the EU as a year of intercultural dialogue.
Arriving in Sofia the participants were welcomed in the Assembly hall of the Sofia City Council by Malina Edreva – chairwoman of the councilors group from PP GERB and Irina Yordanova - Chirwoman of the Commission for European integration in SCC. The European Democrat students had the opportunity to receive interesting answers and comments by the councillors and district mayors from GERB about local and European issues.
During the formal supper, by which the international conference ended, the leader of GERB and Mayor of Sofia Boyko Borisov greeted the young people.
As a result MGERB received the opportunity to apply for membership in EDS as soon as the conference was over, in order that the application be considered in July 2008 during the Summer university of the European Democrat Students in Malta.
The positive reports, addressed to the organizers, created basis for future common initiatives and cooperation with the participants, at the position of representatives of EDS, as well as those of their national youth organizations.
The conference was widely reflected in the local and national media.

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